Write A Mini Story!

Yes, I’m tired and taking a study break so I’m making a pointless “game” thread (if that’s what you want to call this, anyway). Here’s how it works:
You write a story about the person above you based on what you know about them from Notessimo alone.

Let’s say my alter-ego Smokeflame Ruby (XD) posted above me. I would remember things he had posted in the forums and such, the songs he’d posted, comments, activity, etc. and write a story about him. You can make up random stuff, too. Get creative.

For example, here’s a very rushed (and very bad, I promise you my prose is better than this) mini story about an actual user, HaiThar (some may remember him, and for those who don’t: he was a troll who was active for about a day and was partly responsible for getting the Staff VS Users topic locked). He just posted hypothetically above me, so:

(By the way, it doesn’t have to be this long, you can make it any length you want…)

[details=Click to expand] Hai never had much luck throughout his life. Everywhere he went, misfortune and calamity would follow. He was determined to find a place to settle down and make friends, however, which he had never had any luck with, so he left his familiar home of Godknowswhere and explored the land of Interuebz.
Very early in the morning one day (predawn), as he was wandering about, he came across a small community known as Notessimo. He entered the community cautiously, for nearly everyone was still asleep, except for a few early risers here and there. He wondered whether he could make any friends here. He came up with a brilliant idea: he would tack posts on the doors of each house asking each resident to be his friend. He busily got to work.
By the time he was finished the sun was shining in the sky. It was a little past dawn. Hai was very tired and cranky and beaten by this point, so he tried to find a place to stay. The only place he could find was an old, empty-looking house. Despite its eerie look, Hai entered and curled up on a random couch.
He woke with a start. Something had made a very loud and horrible noise: like Synth Strings #1 and Trumpet Muted #1 had played a half step away from each other. Out of the shadows stepped a dark gray figure. “o hair derre,” it said, smacking its lips together.
Hai was terrified. The thing looked terrible, its long drab overcoat speckled with what looked like a pattern of #'s, b’s, and trollfaces. “What do you want from me?” he accused.
“ai woint hrt u, i promise,” the figure laughed, “as logn as u do ass i say.”
Hai hesitated, but then confirmed the request with a brisk nod of his head. He didn’t want any more trouble to chase him. This was meant to be a fresh beginning. “What do you want me to do?” he asked.
“i wnat u to troll everywon in dis kommunityy,” the figure growled, “i wnat evry last won of dem 2 hat u. hat ur guttz. mak dem want 2 throw u owt und nevr let u come bak.”
“But… But why! I came here for the very purpose of making friends!” Hai protested. But then he rethought what he’d said. He didn’t know what this figure would do. For all he knew, the figure could do things plenty worse. There were other communities he could join instead of this one, he supposed. He bowed his head.
The figure drew closer. It drew the hood of the cloak back to reveal a very strange face, half troll and half cat, its eyes wide open. “becuz dats wut i wnt thru,” the figure whispered menacingly, “ma name iz issac_gibson, nd u r now mai student.”
Hai was still a bit shocked, but then a feeling came over him… He realized what he must do. He had to
trololololololololololololololo. [/details]

Yeah, that’s the example. If anything’s unclear let me know.

Random topic is random. Feel free to delete this if it’s too pointless.

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I think this can be like the My Pineapple game…
Like an RPG in a way…

Also, this is a horror story…

Read while listening to this: Nobuo Uematsu ~ Dancing Mad Phase 4 ~ Rearranged by CtelinAjira by Unknown - Songs - Notessimo

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As I saw the blood on my hands after I turned into that horrible monster, my classmates corpses dead on the dusty floor, what have I done? It’s dark and I’m losing my sanity, becoming weak once more. A wicked curse has lead me to do this murderous act, this is, my true form, I, I… Didn’t mean to… KILL, EVERYBODY! HUAAHAHA, Oh no! I’m turning! I’m… I’m…

I might add a part 2… (Should I reveal his true form?)

Lol, it’s kinda hard to be scared of it when…it’s a long story. Basically there’s a funny story like that one.

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Those of us who knew him only knew him by the only thing he ever said: “Aliens Exist!” He was an odd kid, preferring to keep to himself. We would pick on him, mainly because we had nothing better to do. I mean, we lived in a tiny town nearly fifty miles from any major cities, But one day, he snapped. He finally said something other than his usual. He said that he would get revenge on us. Then he ran off. We never saw him again. Until that fateful day, that is. We were walking to the ballpark after school. We saw a blue light up in the sky. We were all pulled upwards into a massive spaceship. There, we finally got proof that aliens were, indeed, real. And then we saw Aliens. He was the leader of these aliens. He commanded them to kill off my friends. As for me, he said he had something special for me. He threw me in his dungeon. I’m writing this on the last sheet of paper I had with me, using my only pencil. I don’t have much time left. I need everyone to see this. They have to understand: The alien armageddon has begun. And leading it, none other than Aliens Exist.

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I really like that story for many reasons, but the “picking on him, because we had nothing else to do” part kinda felt offensive…

I think I uploaded this to the website around september last year. lt’s a bioshock intro. (in my way sort of…) I wasn’t wearing my story suit writing this…

[details=Click to expand]Short horror story
Wakes up in a room, rain and lightning fill the room with eerie thoughts. Gruesome, deathly and regretful memories… A corpse hanging from the wet and tattered ceiling. The words: Life is a Curse! Is written in blood on the wall, the night sky gives triggers a horrible memory. He cannot remember a thing, hands covered in a red substance. He thinks it’s blood, I wouldn’t be surprised, It’s the only thing he can think of being claustrophobic in this tiny room, Amnesia, not uncommon for a lone pedestrian, in pain, he shoves his hand into his pocket, he grabs a wallet, he opens it a finds a detonation button, on it. It says; portable friendly breathing suit. PFBS. He presses the button, eager to find what awaits his curiosity. Something bad happens…[/details]

Yeah…I needed some reason for you to get revenge on them, which led to bullies. But I needed most of the kids to do it, so…yeah. Creative license. Nothing personal, of course. I just couldn’t have you destroy the planet without a reason.

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A child runs outside to play football with some of his friends. They get really into the game. They don’t realize that one by one, they are disappearing. Finally, there’s only three of them left. THey all vanish at once. They wake up on operating tables, where ominous shapes are looming over them. As their eyes adjust, they can see the dead bodies of their friends, all autposied. “When we finish these three, we will have enough information on the human body to effectively enslave all humanity,” one shape says. “Good. Then we can begin,” came a voice from over their shoulders. The autopsies began.

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He was as crazy as he was afraid. No one knew his actual name, but he often wears a shirt that reads, “IPREFERPI”, so people tag him that name. He always bellowed to the bypassing crowds that all the pies we will ever encounter are not pies at all, that they’re hiding something inside. Nobody bothered to listen to him. Then it was discovered that the pies were infected with some genetic modification that turns people into mutants. Those who ate a few morsels of the substance were mildly affected. Others who overdosed on pie became inhuman monsters that terrorized the country. Now there’s a war going on between mutants and monsters, and the monsters are winning. Whether or not anybody cared, everyone came to realize that IPREFERPI was right about the pies. Unfortunately, no one got the chance to apologize to him because he went missing days after the outbreak.

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Few people know this man exists. Most of them that do are already dead. The few that remain live their days in fear. He targets those who would defile anything pure by using it to rob the poor of their hard-earned wages. He has already gotten rid of the pope, some clergymen, and a blind man. The blind man was abusing his servant boy earlier, so it was justified. Other assassins would walk out in broad daylight, occasionally kill a random person for no apparent reason, almost as if they were being controlled by some ethereal force. Not this man. He hid whenever possible, stalking his targets for weeks on end, waiting until he had their entire day memorized. Then, at the opportune time, he would strike, killing them instantly. No one ever knew he had done it. That is, until they saw the razor-edged card sticking out of each of his victims’ chests. It was an Ace of Spades…


My version of HaiThar (It is probably very accurate):

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He was tired of 4chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica so he escaped to the small town of Notessimo. HaiThar was a shadow of Notessimo, like any other guest. But he had more things to do than just stalk Notessimo members. He made an account. This was the beginning of about maybe 4 hours of trolling. On the beautiful morning of December the third, the sky was dark and Notessimo was beginning to wake. HaiThar added many to his friend list, attempting to stock up on buddies to join his army of one. He greeted some with “FUCK YOU” spammed in the private messages, or even statuses. He constantly spammed the Staff vs. Users thread. He insulted people in their own statuses. He only posted one song in his lifespan, “The Legacy of Me” (I think it was called that). It was a horrible piece of shit it was not good. He posted in the “Request a Feature (Songs)” thread. It was a mislinked rule 34 picture of Slenderman. He even started stalking Clearwater Sapphire. After terrorizing and traumatizing so many people, he was suspended for a week. Mods deleted many things that he did to coverup the fact that he existed. He was last active on New Years.


well heres my version of you Mr. Hlaalu:

Blarg ate 10 cocks before cumming all over touhou.
Blwrg composed a bunch of asian stuff.
For 2 years straight, he has nothing featured.
He fails at life for even attempting to get stuff featured for 2 and a half years in a row.

Sounds accurate to me!

I think Aliens is becoming friends with HaiThar. This could lead to the end of Notessimo.

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Once upon a time there was an ugly barnacle. He was SOOOOO ugly that everyone died. The end.

I totally wasn’t too lazy to post in a thread I made… I didn’t forget about it, either.

[details=Click to expand] There once was a man by the humble name of Ipreferpi. He was greatly liked all-around by the people living in the community of Notessimo. However, not one person could pronounce his name.
So one day, he decided enough was enough; he would no longer be Ipreferpi. He would simply be Doctor. He then figured out this would require his going to medical school, so he became a butcher instead and made everyone call him Doc. But this name, too, made him grow tired. It was too overused in cartoons and the like.
One day he was walking down a street and came across a small bakery. It had decadent cakes and fat, round doughnuts and gorgeous pies. One pie in the front looked especially golden and flaky. Doc was instantly hungered by the sight of it. But then he saw a sign in front of it. It read, “The pie is a fake. Idiot shop-boy put my table centerpiece out on display. It’s been attracting customers, though so I guess I can’t complain.” Doc had a great epiphany. Perhaps… This was his destiny. Surely no one had used this name before… He would now be known as… Idiot shop-boy The pie is a fake. [/details]

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Legend tells of a mystical woman who hides within the mists of the Sapphire Falls where she resides. The woman can walk upon the water as if it were solid ground, and every step made the foggy water as clear as glass; some believe she is a part of the water. She is said to be able to heal those wounded by evil and criminal intent with her magic violin. The sonatas she played were as beautiful as her silky, blue hair, and they can still be heard to this day. Few people have come to see her near Sapphire Falls, but those who did were so enticed by her melodies that her existence was wiped from their memories. The mysterious woman had been dubbed “Clearwater Sapphire”, and the songs emitted from her violin continue to haunt the misty falls.

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The king of this realm was terrified by these mysterious assassinations. He knew he could be the next target. So he did what any sane man would do: He placed a bounty on this mysterious assassin’s name and sent word throughout the entire world. Soon, bounty hunters of all degrees of skill came to find this man. The weaker ones were all picked off nearly immediately. Some of the more powerful ones were picked off as well. No one could catch a tab on this man. The king grew desperate. Then he learned of a land where there was no crime. A land where, even though the criminals were all either insane, super powerful, or both, The king sent word of his problem to this seemingly magical land. Soon, many average-looking hired hands came to deal with the man everyone started calling “The Ace”. Only three of them were still alive by the end of the week. They appeared before the king. They told him of a mysterious “Joker” fellow that was very good at these types of things. The king, naive as always, readily agreed to these arrangements. What happened next was something that no one could have ever expected…

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I will try this.

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There is a man by the name of Ipreferpi. He was told by a woman to bake 3.1415926535 pies and cut them into 3.1415926535 pieces. even the non whole pie. She had to ask what type of pie was needed and the woman said, “PIE FLAVOR! just kidding. cherry.” Ipreferpi went home, and got ready to make the pies. it took n total just over three hours to make the pie and just over three hours to bake them all. He said, “something is wrong here. everything is in pi…” While the pies were baking, He turned on the TV and channel 3.1415926535 was on. all the food in his pantry had an expiration date of 3/14/15. that exact time was 3:14 and 15 seconds. He was just about to go crazy. “I hope this doesn’t affect me my whole life,” Ipreferpi said. Unfortunately, it did. THE END

I didn’t know what ggfchl’s name was, so I guessed.

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He was not alone.

Greg was never the type to be unsettled by bumps in the night. The house where he lived was old, and not very sturdy. Floorboards creaking were a common occurrence in the young man’s life. Especially this time of year. So, usually, the bumps were commonplace, and nothing to worry about.

But all that changed when the fire nation attacked his parents died.

Greg had never been a successful man. Any job he had found gave him very little money, and he barely had enough to make a month’s rent at the cheapest apartment he could find if he worked for two. Luckily, his parents were probably the sweetest, nicest people that anyone could ever think of.

After their unfortunate demise, Greg looked upstairs in the attic to collect some of the comics that he had left up there over the years and pack them up. Thinking he was alone in the house, Greg quietly packed them up, when something caught his eye. He turned around and found a chest, hidden inside the walls. He walked over to open it.

But Greg was not alone. He heard a creak in the floorboard.

A second later, he lost consciousness.

And then, years later, he read this story, and died because it was so awful.

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They knew of him… They knew it was too late… The signs were everywhere. The signs were made of the most feared substance in the world. He swore he would never let up… He never gave a second glance to the people he was torturing. Comic Sans is upon us!

Must we hide our tales / within the concealing walls / of stealthy spoilers?

[details=Click to expand]A long time ago, in a world where greyness ruled, one man, who went by the title of “Colour Architect”, stepped forward and painted down all that was bland. He was armed with an arsenal of creativity, and strived for freedom against the Empire of Black and White, who were bent on keeping the world boring by using a magical gemstone called the Canvas Gem. Many of his followers fought bravely alongside him in the War for Colors. Many friends and foes had fallen, but the Architect carried onward and confronted the evil Emperors Noir and Ivoire, who were in possession of the Canvas Gem. Little did the Architect know that the Emperors had a secret weapon: the Grey Thinner. It proved to be the Architect’s greatest weakness, but he did not give up just yet. With the last of his strength, the Colour Architect attacked Ivoire, who had the Gem, and destroyed it. The Emperors were erased from existence, colour had blessed the world, and the Empire shattered. Sadly, the Architect had also been erased from this world. He would be remembered for all his sacrifices, and a statue of him would be erected in honour of his bravery.

Then he would be reincarnated in a different world and use his colorful powers to create paintings of shock and awe.[/details]

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