Firefox 4

hey I opted into the beta of FireFox 4 which broke the ability to do sharps and flats, so when that comes out to the public there might be a problem here… (I am just using safari now)

Hmm seems to work for me.

I’m not having a problem with it either.
That’s unusual though, but maybe this problem of yours will be fixed in the public release?

Google Chrome

Noo stick with Firefox.

Chrome all the way, i even converted my mum from Firefox to Chrome…not to mention my whole family except my dad who uses IE.
BUT that should be saved for a different thread (if there is one debating between the browsers.

So are you still experiencing the problem ix?

Well Firefox looks better than Chrome imo, also it has some great features I could not live without.
I’m finished.
Yeah, also the final Firefox 4 release is tomorrow and it might be fixed then.

The only problem with Chrome is that it fragments in such a nightmarish way that unless you have a big Hard drive, it doesn’t work well.

That is coming from someone with a hard drive smaller than some iPods.

Well, at the moment, i am using a computer that plays minecraft at 1 frame per 1-2 seconds and chrome works fine…

Can we not start something else? If you want to, make a browser thread.

Hard drive space =/= speed of computer.

EDIT: So yeah… about that firefox 4… gets on topic

I don’t like Firefox 4. It looks way too much like chrome.

All the browsers look like chrome now.
But if you don’t like the tabs being on top in Ff, you can right-click toolbar > Tabs on top to bring the tabs to where they were previously.

I will make you like Firefox 4. >

…It has a way to customize the UI, right?

In English?

In English?

…It has a way to customize the UI, right?
Theres the english translation


watches as Kd’s head implodes

Wait, what…

Why the hell do posts like these get tons of comments, a never get locked. F*** myself ill just jump out the window! Problem solved