Help a noob.

Uhhh… I just came back here after a very long amount of time to see what kind of crap I’ve written from about three to four years ago.
This place has apparently changed drastically.
(I couldn’t expect much else. Four years is a long time for a fifteen-year-old.)
Anyway, I simply can NOT find my songs. The last site layout I remember was that black one, and now I am just plain lost.
When I really try to look, I’d find something that looks like it should be a list of my songs, but instead it’s just my other forum posts.

My songs haven’t been deleted, have they?
I remember some horrible event during which someone claimed that I stole their song which caused my own song “A Perfect Hell” to be deleted, so maybe the rest were just thrown out over time.


Oh yeah, I did check that thread that tells me to read it before I post. The only corresponding help link is dead.

Click on your username at the topright corner, then click my content. Choose pages as content type and you should be able to find it.

Your songs are [searchInKey]=database_3&search_app_filters[ccs][database_3][sortKey]=date_added&st=0"]here.

Also mods never delete songs.

i think my D Harmonic Minor spooky song is deleted

I told you, mods don’t delete songs.

Oops, I should have added that someone explained this to me just after in private messages.
Thanks, though. ;o

I disagree, even though this was a few years ago. It was definitely removed from my list.
I could (and may) be wrong, but I used to listen to it by going to the “Request a Feature” thread that somebody else embedded it in (which led to the annoying controversy) because I couldn’t get to it from my list anymore.

Are you sure it isn’t any of the songs [searchInKey]=database_3&search_app_filters[ccs][database_3][sortKey]=date_added&st=25"]here?

thanks, Nuse for warning me

Yes. Since the song was from the time during which clicking the “Share” button automatically added a new thread or whatever with the song, all of the previous stages/versions are still there. I distinctly remember changing the name to “A Perfect Hell” for the very final version, but the remaining ones have the original name(s).

Actually, now that I thought about it, if I could find that thread “Request a Feature (songs)” or whatever it was called, the embedded song would probably actually have the name “A Perfect Hell” even though that name is nowhere on my list. (There is a Perfect Hell version 2.0, but that’s way different and way later.)

Is this it?

Well sorry if it was deleted, and I am definitely against it. Nothing like it will happen again.

…Oh. My. God.
That is it.
…I just have no idea why it’s submitted as a guest.

And if you’re wondering why it’s such a huge deal that I have that version, it’s because over time, I wrote more and more versions of that song outside of Notessimo and it just happens to be the first.
And the others are heavily based on it, even though I was still young by comparison when I put that one together.

So thank you. D: