Kdiuldlea's Songs

But that’s not Notessimo… I DON’T LIKE FACEBOOK.

Glad you liked the song guys.
And GS, I’m not on Notessimo every day, but I’ll make sure I come back regularly instead of taking another couple month hiatus.

Does this mean more songs? You need to finish the originals you were making lol

More songs? Most likely. Originals? Doubt it.


Be amazed and cover this.


I kinda wanna do this one instead. And I am!

And I wanna see. I really should take this to facebook chat. Sorry.

No, stop what you’re doing and finish TTFAF…

PLEASE :frowning:

That old thing?


Bit of a preview.
Woah, double post!

Woah! Such a rebel Kd. lol

What makes him a rebel is the fact that he didn’t use a single metal guitar.

Strat > metal guitar.

Kd I haven’t seen truer words lol

I noticed that and was like wow…what skill
the drums however didn’t seem to reflect the skill of the riffs though…yes (heavy) metal does involve heavy drumming at times…but you can still make a beat out of it…for example (the example is 4:50 to 5:35 so if you don’t want to hear it, just listen to that) Funeral by Silent Civilian If you listen to the final chorus you will notice how the very last bit is constant double kick drumming whereas the rest is with a good beat, if you use the last bit (constant fast double kick) it will sound unpleasant if it is for too long. (Unless your into full-on death metal where there are SOME exceptions))

My laptop got a horrible virus, had to wipe the hard drive clean. I lost all my songs… I’m sad now.

I know that really sucks. Viruses are terrible things.

That really does suck D=
I’m glad i have a really good virus protection program, otherwise i’d probably die

I had a virus though that disabled my anti-virus. They’re so clever.

Bigger ouch…but i have a really high quality one…i could have like 50 trojens in quarantine and they would barely affect my computer XD
Ok…50 might affect my computer…but it wouldn’t disable the anti-virus program…
Anyway…back on topic perhaps?
(So that means we wait until KD makes another so- aww…that’ll be a while )