2 truths & a lie


  1. I felt sorry for carrot.
  2. I respect Ace’s covers.
  3. I never made Ear torture songs.

Timothy it’s not your turn to go. you didn’t vote on Clearwater’s one!


my Sincerly Apologises

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but i’m autistic

Uhh… 1.

Since Nuse guessed 2 first I give it to him.
My boyfriend is way taller than me.

Your turn Nuse!


  1. I have braces
  2. I can’t sing or draw
  3. I don’t have a car

Number 1.


Jeez here I go again…

  1. I’m in all honors classes except for English.
  2. My iPod at the moment has less than 200 songs on it.
  3. I have my own car.


Of course, it’s 3.


You’re all wrong! Mwahahaha!

Okay, 2.

Wrong again. Whoever narrows it down first gets it!

Ooh so difficult!

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I know!! ^_^
Nearly impossible.

Ugh… which one do I choose? Which one do I choose?! Gah, the tension’s rising!

By the underlining, I’m guessing you’re picking #1? Are sure? Are you absolutely sure? Is that your final answer?

Positive. Absolutely. Final answer.