Classical Music!

It’s part of that creepy organ music everyone is familiar with, but with a twist.

I pretty much added a new layer every 8 bars, so it gets better at the end.


converted to mp3

Fricken’ Awesome!! lmao
That’s pretty neat how you add on different instruments like that.

This is Beethoven’s Ode to Joy except it progresses with instruments through the years my first actual completed song

here is the final song the last had mistakes

all i can say to the ode to joy it USE LESS QUARTER NOTES!!!

I agree!

I know I just wanted to make something up kinda fast just too test how well I could make ode to joy :S anyway at least I tried 8-)

Good job, can you do a couple more songs on this topic? More classics are great…

I’ve got some Classical Piano… stuff.

I don’t know how to embed yet, so here’s the link.

EDIT: Thanks KdIuLdLeA.

Not perfect, and I got lazy toward the middle (The end of my song) (and a little scared, cause I don’t know how to make Tuplets. : \ ) So I just looped it back to the start. Anyway, enjoy.

That was pretty good.
And to embed, put :

Triplets are kinda hard to explain…leave that to Hypo. lmfao

Lol… don’t worry, I know how to make tuplets… or triplets, which is the case here (I was just being general, any other of you keen music students know what I mean), triplets being three notes “condensed” into the duration of two notes (I think. : \ ), It’s just that I have awkward timing, so it’s quite hard to determine where to place the notes. I’ll update it if I ever get it finished.

I was flicking through a big music book one day when I came across this piece… “Chanson L’ Adieu” by F. F. Chopin. I played it myself once, then realised I’d heard it before somewhere… so I thought. And I thought. And then I thought some more.

I really can’t think where I know this from! Definately from TV, some sort of advert I think. I asked all my friends, family, etc, and they didn’t know either. So I decided to re-compose it on Notessimo, and show everyone. Does anyone know?

If not, it’s quite a good tune anyway, and I’m content with that much.

That song is one of the many demos on most electric keyboards of late. It’s a really popular classical piano piece. Couldn’t tell you what movie or show it’d be on, but I’d imagine plenty of them. Try doing something by ear. Those are the funnest to listen to when you realize someone didn’t just copy them note for note. Also much funner to “compose” in my opinion as well.

I like this melody so i thought i would share it. Made by someone i don’t remember. Repruduced by me

Rate and comment 8-)

Yeah, i remember hearing that before. 8-) Maybe you should change the notes to eighth notes or i guess that’s how it’s made.

i think this song is awesome! if only i could convert it to mp3… but it dosent work on my computer…

I have tried it. I think it sounds hollow, if you know what i mean. But then again different people, different opinions.

I Present Canon in D! 8-)