Community Collab 2016?

Nice, we have 20 users. I think it’s a go. Looks like v3 wins, so we’ll be going with that. Will wait for a few more day for other participants to “register” before starting.

Next weekend, I’ll be setting up a poll for people to vote on who gets the first part and who gets the final part. Aiming to start on February. I’ll get a schedule up by then, so if you guys know that you absolutely cannot work on a certain week/month/season/semester/etc., please comment on this thread when you are busy and when you are available.

It seems that school may be a huge problem for a lot of us. The goal is to finish before 2017 (hah), so I will definitely be adding free spots and breaks during finals/midterms week.

The goal is to finish in December (of 2016).

I can give you v3 temporarily so you can work on your part. I’ll also give you some extra time with v3 so you can practice with it. (Same goes for non-Maestro members. If you do well enough, you may even get it permanently.)


I’ll join!

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I’m active enough to notice that a collab is starting this time so I’m in

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Created a poll with a list of members who have signed up, please vote on who you would like to begin the collab. You can vote for multiple people, and you may vote for yourself.

Someone voted me already <3 I think it’s tsu

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Who the hell is Executor/Remix?

some guy

If people are going to abuse the poll, I’ll cancel the collab. I’ll make another poll.

Thxs bae I appreciate it

Wait what

How are you so sure people are abusing it

You don’t want me to go first?

The gap between first and the following 5 places below it have a 1:2 ratio. It’s been abused and I think everyone can obviously see that.

…how do you even abuse it

There’s more than 16 people on Notessimo

There’s also more than 16 people in the collab.

It’s not that I don’t want you to go first, but this seems very sketchy. I checked the poll earlier and it was a lot more even than it is now. How does one person suddenly get multiple votes while others don’t?


It could just be a coincidence that tons of people voted at one time, it doesn’t even let you vote twice

It just checks the IP. So someone with access to a computer lab or something like that could easily fake votes.
(I’m not saying you are though.)

So, zaz goes first?


did you even fucking read what tsu posted

Calm down, dude.

Is it safe to assume the order of participation will be determined based on the poll results?