Continent Poll

Did I ever say I didnt like em???I ment that since Antartica has no population (other than reasearchers) that six penguins might make epic songs

but I didn’t say it very clearly…

!!! 00 good point…but…6 ppl post 40000 bad songs…sounds boring

plus 6 inactive ppl used a poll, never posted, and left?? sounds kinda strange…

I think you’re taking this just a biiiiit too literally here.

lol…what made you think that

That… XD


never ever

never ever ever ever

no serie not me

I think you’ve had enough energy drinks.
Calm down.

I wonder why there are no Afriqans on this website…

(mispelling was intentional, but I don’t know why)

Maybe the connectivity is bad?

Actually Ive never had an energy drink. Im just naturally hyper.

For whatever reason there arent any in Mario Kart??

I have a feeling that we don’t have 6 users from Antarctica…


Anthony, If you hate grapes, why do you have grapes as your avatar???

What the hell, man.

I liked your old avvie better.

Not to bring up the depression fiasco of january, but

No no no. GRAPES are awesome. GRAPEFRUITS suck.

Sad Face.

There’s a difference???

Oh yeah.

please tell me thats sarcasm…

Your newest avatar still doesn’t suit you. In the interests of music, try and catch another one or two.