DD12's Swanky Shit B)

first original in a while, please tell me what you think and dont just say it was great, CRITICIZE ME!!!

The song was GREAT!!!..but the ending was much longer than it needed to be

yeah, I was too lazy to shorten it.


too lazy? It takes like 2 seconds!..wait, I would probably do the same

lol, great song!

DAMMIT! give me a review, roastmasters giant paragraph style!

Wow. That was epic. The intro was flawless. The fade in/out effect you did was truly genius. And it was a pretty cool way to use Bass #3. It’s kinda hard to successfully use that instrument but you did it masterfully. Sheet 1 was also flawless. There was nothing wrong I could find in that part of the song. Sheet 2 was even better. The keyboard looking thing you used (I’m too lazy to see what it is), was yet another work of musical genius. It reminded me of a Megaman tune, but it was better. Sheet 3 was a pretty nice bridge/verse thing. Bass #4 and Strat #1 is a great instrument combo to use, especially in this song. When sheet 4 came along, I was like, “WTF is that?” Upon scrolling up, I found Synth Vox #1 doing a great job in adding greatness to the song. The fender strat was also masterful. Sheet 5 sounded cool with the violins, but it didn’t get much epic-er. Bringing the intro back into the song was a nice touch. Beautiful. When I thought the song couldn’t get any better, it did. The incredibly epic, indesrcibably beautiful brigde/ending was another work of your musical talent. The echoes were amazing and added even more greatness to the all ready epic-filled song. I can’t believe so much greatness could fit into one song. The last note was somewhat comical, due to it’s length, but it did not take away from the song one bit.

Overall: 8/5. Epic. Beautiful. That is all. I don’t know how many, if any, songs here are better than that one. I love it.

PS. Thanks for making my new song look like a piece of crap after hearing your song.

oh your welcome, I feel happy inside now

Happy and (rock) don’t match!


i enjoy this

Did someone call for A ROASTY POSTY?

Your song Infinite is straight up 100% pure EPICNESS. Every instrument did its job, it supported the song and all the other instruments perfectly
 and by that I mean if any other instruments were used in place of say the bass or the synth, the song wouldn’t nearly have been as great. What I can complain about is the length, the song didn’t really feel like a song to me, it felt more like
 a demo you know? You could have easily added another minute or so(if you’re good enough to keep someones attention that long with the same melody) and turn this Epic into a Masterpiece. This is coming from a guy who hates loops, any song <2 minutes is not a song (was it less than 2 minutes? I forgot.)

it was miliseconds offf, 12 of them

You Deserve a Ribbon!

\ #1 /
\ /

Fail ribbon!

Mind if I use Infinite for my custom disc? I know there’s not much guitar, but it’s a good song and it will make a good tier 1 encore.

that would be fine with me.

Ok thanks

EDIT: Just finished the chart.

Wow 90 songs grats

Holy crap 90 songs? Isn’t that against the laws of bandwidth?