Hey drummers... IM CALLING YOU OUT!!!

just turn the end notes to eigth notes (within measure #1) and it’ll actually loop.

Agreed. and btw nice songs in ur thread.


Darkdan- His wasn’t like OMFGAMAZING, but it was the only one that was GOOD, you get chicken tofu. , and yes, he didnt properly loop it either, but… THE BASS WOULD HAVE RUINED IT ANYWAY

Ninjazord- The bass guitar ruined… EVERYTHING… MOAR NOISE

I think to make this more fair there has to be a default guitar/bass so the guitar wont influence the results

that’s a great idea sandalman

PHLASFEMY I SAY! I am UNINFLUENTABLE by anything OUTSIDE the designated subject… I just point out when some song who is supposed to have a complex rhythm has a guitar who is stealing the spot light, I mean how can you have such a simple beat all the way backstage when the guitarist is in the center stage strutting like a fruit tart?


I Just finished this one. Let Go By Unholy Nation (Another name that we might call our band)
unfinished though.

Sheet 1= What is this i dont even…
Sheet 2= Made up for it

yea thanks. -.-

Loved it ninja. It sounds great except there is always room for improvement.

lmao thank you.


not my best but i made these drums while listening to this and playin the drums
didnt come out exactly how it sounds on the real drums

Sandalman- There is so much I can say… sheet 5 was pure genious, im seriously considering you for DA HALL but it was pretty messy, YOU DEFINANTLY NAILED THAT DEMONIC FEELING… and I loved how the drums supported that feeling…Thing is it just got really repetitive. PURPLE LAVA LAMP…

haha thanks, sorry to offed you though ;.;

haha my second work… of not art, but whatever you call it ;.; but its better im making something good though too…

Measure 3-4 was amazing… the thing is… quarter notes ARENT mandotory… YOU WIN A BONZAI TREE AND A CHICKEN

lol random prizes

Aw, I want a chicken lol

most songs are repatitive its mostly only the vocals that change