Hey drummers... IM CALLING YOU OUT!!!


Two new drum threads in one day…OMGWTF

Post your drum schtuff in HERE from now on…or else I’ll destroy your kitchen :slight_smile:

EDIT: Ignore this post. The new thread has been absorbed by this one. Now leave!

A quick song I just made today. I know… It’s crappy as normal…

The drums aren’t that bad, are they? I just wanted to enter this song for that and Kamarai told me my strength on here is drums… So…

Sorry, but the metal guitar was awful. I liked the drums, to some extent, but it was too repetitive. 5 out of 10 for the drums, which are the only part that is even supposed to be on there.

They’re needs to be some accompaniment to it but thanks anyway.

Assassinated. How about this?

Not bad…but not all that great…deffinatly not for this thread…not much drum work
and quit the random tempo changes make the notes longer but keep the tempo…it takes away peoples focus on your song…atleast it does it to me

So to be in this thread come on…more drum work it wasnt bad…kinda repetitive…but it should belong more in the rock thread (original)

EDIT: I made this after seeing your song “assassinated”
New Drum Song

listen.php?id=39657 this is THE drum solo. enjoy-pikminman44 it will take 2 drummers to do this in real life. and again… enjoy.



Yes, I know it got crappy at the end but I got pretty braindead about to that point.

I’m making a 5/4 piece that hopefully will incorporate funky fresh rhythms that will make you wanna tap your feet.

a lil drum riff with a guitar part for motion

Its pretty much a compilation of beats…

Damn, that was pretty cool.

pretty much all my songs have good drum parts

thats my little drum beat and…FIRST POST! :roll:

good job especially for a newcomer :roll:

I win.


Actually you do. That was the best (and only) drum song I’ve ever heard!

I don’t know how you managed to do that, but that was awesome. :roll: