Minecraft 1.7.banana

o3o might have to pop in sometime

Im going to return to the server, PLEASE dont grief me anymore. I get it, im not liked on the server.

I think you’re missing the fact that griefing people is hilarious when executed well. I’ts not that we don’t like you, it’s that, again, griefing is fun as all hell.

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Can you at least make it to a point where i can rebuild my house?

Well that’s just something that I can’t promise.

But I assure you, if/when there is a next time, youtube will thank you.

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Destroying someones creation to a point where they cannot rebuild it is your definition of fun?

I havent seen how badly Dynamyte got griefed. Nor do i know if he can in fact rebuild it or not. But from the looks of these posts it sounds like you should spent your time in minecraft diffirently.
There is a reason why the word “griefing” originates from “grief”.

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AVO deserves icecream.

no amount of arguing can disprove that.

I understand that griefing may not be your thing, but it is fun. It’s part of the game, whether you want to accept it or not. I find if fun, you don’t need to. That’s okay. But There’s a large percentage of minecraft-goers that find it hilarious. He could’ve rebuilt if he wanted to, but he didn’t.

Like i said i havent seen how bad the griefing is, so i dont know if it is realistic to rebuild it or not. What i do know is that if i were dynamyte! i wouldnt want to rebuild my house if i was told that it would happen again - like you hinted it would.
I really do not get your mentality. Minecraft is a your canvas and the blocks is your paint. You can make ANYTHING you want. You can make a house at the beach. You can make huge castles and vast kingdoms. You can make a rollercoaster with a 60 meter vertical drop. You can build complicated machinery that tells time. You can build pretty much ANYTHING. Yet you choose to destroy what OTHER people make.
It’s like throwing a rock through another persons window. It’s part of the world weather you want to or not. Some people find it fun, and theres a large percentage of people who find it hilarious. The window can be replaced. But that doesnt meant its right. The guy who had his window broken would have to spent time and effort getting it replaced only to have it happen again.
If you have a grudge against Dynamyte! you should take it out on him in another way then griefing him.
If he broke the rules then give him a warning and tell him to not do it again. If he does do it again regardless of your warnings then ban him.

I dont feel safe having someone who take pleasure in destroying other peoples work running around freely on the server. Especially since i like to put a lot of time and effort into my builds. Therefore i have a suggestion for a server rule: Make griefing an offense that could get you banned from the server.

You realize that’s half the server… right?
“If you have a grudge against Dynamyte! you should take it out on him in another way then griefing him.”
Like what. ACTUALLY breaking his bones? It’s a digital thing causing no damage to any property in real life. We’ve told him the reason we destroy his stuff but he doesn’t listen. It was that he builds too close to the property of others (mainly nuse and I) which wouldn’t have been so bad, except he dug tunnels EVERYWHERE underground. He SHOULD have found a place somewhere close to a mine that had not been stripped already and built a home there instead of intruding upon the space of another player. Since multiple new people seem to like to completely disregard what their elders say and just don’t seem to have any courtesy in game, for what reason should we show any in return?

So instead of contacting someone who could kick him from the server you decide to grief him?
It sounds to me like you guys are doing the exact same thing he is. I’m not saying you should disregard what other people say and mine wherever you like, but this is obviously causing nothinging but more trouble.

My suggestion still stands: Let griefing be a banable offense.
“Digging too close to other peoples property” could be defined as griefing as well.

Now what constitutes griefing?

I don’t it’s so much of not wanting him to play on the server (at least, that’s not what I’m thinking), but they don’t want him so close to their homes. Not just if he’s going to build a house, but a gigantic underground tunnel system. I got mad when people settled around DD’s house.

Well at least I asked and even then built a biome and a half away.

Yeah, I’m talking about the others. You and Fire were fine.


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For one thing I said if. And I don’t grief for no reason, there’s a reason usually, or else then I’d be an extreme asshole.
Also, if we got him kicked for it, how would that be any better or different? At least this way we had a few laughs.
And we’re not griefing everyone. It was only him.

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In that case i guess i stand corrected. Although i still dont think griefing is ok and that we need some sort of rules for it.

Well I think the majority of the server’s inhabitants enjoyed the spectacle, so oh well.