Sorry, those were uploaded like a month apart from each other. Is that still counted as a triple post?
Anyway, this is a cool looking minecraft castle I found searching on google.
It’s still counted as a double post. The first 2 posts were two minutes apart. The 3rd one doesn’t count because it was a little over a month later.
I dont play minecraft.
Well you should.
Aren’t there carpets in the new update?
No there are dinosaurs.
How many times do you have to commit suicide to unlock it?
They are including carpet/rug type things. The new snapshot showed a red one at and it looks cool. I keep wondering how they can keep coming up wuth new content to make the game better, then I remember most of the ideas are from the players. WE ROCK! Anywho, it would be really cool to have a community server that is active, so there can be a bit more interaction between all of us besides forums and songs.
Yeah, I’m not sure if our server stopped working or not but no one goes on it anymore. It’s a shame.
I’m on a server with my friends.
The “official” server wasn’t very accepting of me.
What happened to the server? Me and my friends used to play on it basically every time we got,
But its only 1.3
Don’t know why it would says 1.3, it is the latest 1.6.1 Vanilla Minecraft Server in Survival. No mods / plugins yet, wanted to check out the horse and new stuffs.
Thanks, I’ll try it out!
That’s just a bug with 1.6.
I am going to join once it becomes 12pm
I will consider playing this game if they include walruses as marine animals. Please keep this post updated. :3