☂ NCCC12

I really want Adiamorph to Help with the collab!!!

well… It’d be awesome… :D

Leifeday made his part too, i even want to be the part of this collab too!

if adiamorph doesn’t get his/her part done in five days, we should just skip to hellstick.

That is what the schedule says… He has until the 23 of February. Hopefully he’ll finish by then. :)

facepalm. silly me! five days AFTER that then…

ITs now Adiamorph’s turn!
He’ll do his parts too, i hope the tricycle is in the mood.

Yes, we’re all aware that Adiamorph is next on the list. What the hell does a tricycle have to do with the collab?

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his member title is: tricycle. and the answer on your question: nothing.

Can i just return to the thread, before i am talking nonsense?

You’re already talking nonsense.

I’ll restrain that.


The latest discussion on here is about me not contributing and that worries me
So I’ll just say that I have been working on it! Contrary to basically everything that’s been happening
it might not be a huge update but it will be posted soon, tonight or tomorrow or something

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to keep people from having more time than others to edit their part, I think the previous person should post the song on the day of the next person starting.

Actually that’s why I hesitated to post it so quickly
but I think it should be okay because it’s only due to circumstance that someone may have more time than others
It’s not like it’s being decided from the beginning that people are randomly given varying amounts of time, and nobody will be getting time taken away from the default 7 days if someone posts early

but I don’t really have to post it right now if it’s agreed that I shouldn’t

I think you should try to post it as late as you can within the week, you might get a sudden brainwave or something. And as said before it might cause some unbalance.

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Can QVX do the Jul 14- Jul 27?

& another question: Can i do my part too? I’ll make some decent parts to it for a change.

The reason why i put a spoiler is: Its a big thing & Ace & Nuselline said: “do not quote people their posts,it takes space!” I think thats common sense.

slaps himself in the face (to himself) Back to the thread!

Verbist, you’re not in the collab.

common sense.

True that!

wait. this is called COMMUNITY COLLAB. Verbist is part of the community. he needs to be added, wether you dislike his music(or style, whatever).

but isn’t it a bit too late to add him?