☂ NCCC12

Its Nuselline’s turn to put his part now!

I’m sure he’s well aware… After all he DID like the version i uploaded AND the post in this thread in which i linked to it.

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Nuse, i’ve been waiting for your contribution for weeks now…don’t pass it on unedited… :|

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I am still waiting for you,Nuse! please put your part in the Collab!

Relax, he still has four days…
And then I have to go…
Oh dear god I’m so nervous.

Please don’t expect anything good of me…

Well… We don’t expect a whole featured song.

Of course not, but Nuselline has 3 days left, i’m so nervous & excited!

It’s your choice Nuse, you don’t have to do your part, but It’d be pretty cool of you if you contributed by being a part of the Community collaboration of 2013.

It’s the 2012 community collab.

whatever floats your boat

Floaties float my boat.

The suspense is killing me…


Maybe for V4!

OK Firetruck this, i’m still waiting for Nuselline to put his parts in the collab!<— oops wrong thread!!! If Nuselline doesn’t put his part we’ll pass it to Clearwater Sapphire!!

Listen up you guys, why dont you all just wait and see what nuse makes instead of constantly posting irellevant and pointless comments?
Nuse has untill the 9th, so calm your tits and be patient.


i don’t have tits, but i’ll try to be patient & do a decent song (which is a masterpiece liked by more than 10 people & be featured 1 day) & if i keep making decent songs, Ace will respect me!


Who the hell is this douchebag?

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Ace, i realised that was the wrong thread to put that picture, i rather used a spoiler!

Otherwise, she looks like Bella (from Twilight)

Yes please keep on topic. My part is turning out pretty terrible but I don’t have time to redo it so just to warn you.
