Ninjazord's Songs

My Only Finished Song
Wasting Away

Forward Through Sorrow
Let Go
When Everything Is Wrong
Ocean’s Sword
Rise Against - Paper Wings Intro
Dirty Little Secret Intro
Drumming To Happy Music
My Favorite Song (When played by Sugarcult of course)
Sugarcult - Memory

This is My Progress on Move Along (Drums only)
Move Along(Intro Drums)

They are okay

Added 2 Intros and one intro of my own song. (Never seem to finish what i start =P)

“Double Post My Bad” (Check out We Didn’t Start The Flame War, a We Didn’t Start The Fire Parody on collegehumor and you will understand)
Bump. Added stuff to Dirty Little Secret

Sounds great so far, Ninjaman.

lock until 5 FINISHED songs are done