Non-Notessimo Works

Hey aurora! Great to see you back! c:

And you have some amazing songs! The second was my favourite.

This song was made by me. It’s for my upcoming animated series!

Wow, are sure you didn’t steal that from a movie soundtrack? :compliment:

Hands up of sorts! Made this today…
It’s mostly just a build up, but theres also a part of a “cllimax thingy” or whatever you call it…
Im really proud of the melody, so please do enjoy:)

Also: Please do keep in mind that this is NOT a finished piece. It needs an intro and a propper outro, so dont get all worked up about how its repetitive n shit. Cheers:)

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Amazing! Beats anything made in Notessimo. :) I think you should definitely finish it. Also I love the melody!

Some new stuff in the making… Let me know what ya’ll think:)
(there’s no guarantee that i’ll finish this… there never is…)


HS it said the server was down or somtin’… I coudnt listen to your song.

Heres my newest song I made on Musescore.

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They’re working on a new design, so the site is down while they get it up and running. It should be up and running soon enough… i hope:P

Edit- Newgrounds is up and running again:)
I’ll give your song a propper listen once i get back home.

I listened to your song now… woa… scary. If thats what you were going for you did a good job. That Beginning with the guy breathing… O_o, then that scream that came out of no where…

It is exactly what i went for:P
The guy breathing is actually a recording i did of myself XD

Edit- your track was verry nice by the way, although i do miss hearing some drums or cymbals once in a while… Ofcourse not like the drums in a rock track or in electronic mysic, but you know, those kinda drums that would be in a clasical composition:)

Well about the drums… im kinda writing the songs to show my orchestra director and those are the instruments in his orchestra.

Please record more of yourself breathing. <3

Alright… But only because its you:P
I’m making progress on the track by the way. I managed to make a buildup and a propper melody. The melody is pretty freaking sinister if i must say so myself:D

Well the conductor of the orchestra who played my first song said he wants me to write him more songs because he loved my first one…

dramatic pause


I’m so excited! Here is what I’ve started on… he wants something “Christmas” for his Christmas concert. So this will be like a “Christmas Suite”, or something like that. So that song is the prelude to a group of songs. I have percussion stuff, which I really like (I think HS will too… he said he wanted more percussion. xD) but I don’t know if that orchestra has any percussion EVER! Well wish me luck guys!

Can you PLEASE throw a bit of this in?

Put something like that in my song? Um… wait…what? Sorry, no. Its an orchestra buddy… its supposed to be “classical”, to a dagree.


Doctor who? and now Diddy Kong Racing? how much more awesome can you get.

I’m sure you would be able to arrange it as such. If you’re not up to the challenge, it’s okay.

I think Diddy Kong Racing Music is very baroque-esque.

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