Notessimo's Favourite Songs - RESULTS (update 2)

I just read the PM part. Hope you don’t mind.

No it’s fine!

Well, Sbaitso did Mega Man covers as well before I came along.

Sometimes the original just isn’t enough on its own.

When will you say the songs that are nominated?

On Wednesday 19th September.

I’ll post the top three songs for everyone, then I’ll pm the top ~30 results (and more) just to everyone who voted.

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Yeah, only the Doc can do that.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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Doesnt matter to me, even if I time traveled to september 19th I wouldnt know it because im stupid.

Your not stupid yellowtail! You just would’ve made a stupid choice! :)

I doubt that makes him feel any better.

It was worth a shot…

Click to expand

(Ace’s face right now:.) ._.*

Its a joke guys. LOL


it’s the 19th cough cough

Alright I posted the results on the first page! I’ll be pm’ing everyone who voted now.

Yay! I’m so happy!

You’re the next Kaveman! (only techno instead of rock)


I don’t get it, where are the metal songs. This site has really great heavy metal songs for example: my favorite artist timothy verbist for his heavy metal, HES SEECK! but seriously this is a conspiracy I think.

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