Official Forum Rules ***UNOFFICIAL EDITION***

The edit war can’t commence unless its officially announced in a unofficial rule.

Rule #W)The “Edit War” (name received from Muselline the IV, Notessimo officer that helps keep Ireland’s Notessimo population in order, even though there is only one residence, that being Muselline the IV) started on the day of the 4th of the May of the year 2010.

P.S. somehow, Firefox thinks Muselline is a misspelling of Bestseller…

Why thank you Commander guitarskills the MMMDCCCLXXIV.

dang… It seems I have some heritage…

155 millenia of it.

Rule #37)

All your base are belong to fishrocker

  1. Let it be known that the off topic general forums were once a thriving, well established community, but is now just a cesspool of spam and off topic posts.
  1. Notessimo…a popular tourist attraction for bots now thrives a new village for these bots. Est. pop? OVER 9000!
  1. Eh, I don’t really have a rule, I just wanted to have one that ends with 0. :roll:
  1. I don’t really have a rule either, but I wanted a number divisible by 1.
  1. Yukkuri Shitiete Ne! (Take it easy!)
    ^^ lol

I-- see…

Wow, old member.

  1. When heartasword sends you a message asking where you’ve been, you must come back.
  1. The rules must be updated to include the new rules.
  1. Rule 51 is a lie.
  1. Notessimo. Where half the community are moderators and the other half wishes they could be moderators.

  2. Gee, it sure is boring around here.

  3. Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? Click here. You can refer to any other drums-only song. Well, except for this one:

  4. Cool I have another rule that ends with zero

  5. A lie

  1. Rule 151 is a lie let’s see where SW does with this

You actually like a thread???

No. The only thread I like is the “Unfinished Songs/Demos”.