Beyond The Horizon by QVX 797

I guess it’s about time i did one…this is my first v3 rock/metal song…or at least first one to be published.
Enjoy :smiley:


sounds like burpstorm burp

This music sound really cool!

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Drags, and the guitar solo really isn’t that great. Guitar feedback clashes with the other parts of the song.
Drumming is stellar, though.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

Yeah i knew the solo wasn’t the best…it clashed quite a bit and was probably too cluttered.
I still don’t like the (more rock/metal focused) guitar samples for v3 either, i just can’t seem to get used to them.
If there was something there that was comparable to v2’s fender strat i would’ve used that instead of the not-so-“harmonic guitar” That being said, over time i got used to and and didn’t think it was too bad, i even played around having them the same note as the other guitar, but i left it.
I’m probably just tone deaf, idk haha.

Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

I don’t have access to v3, but if what I know is correct, you could go into v2, create a song that is just a single note fender strat, export the mp3 and import that mp3 back into v3’s custom instrument thing. Then you should be able to use the fender strat in v3. Of course I can’t try this myself, so I can’t be sure it will work.

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I can also import the original V2 samples into V3 but i don’t actually know how, it confuses me personally…so i pretty much stick with the standard untouched V3.
Probably also has something to do with me being lazy and not even testing it out. That being said, if i had all the V2 samples i’d probably just keep using them every time.