Roastmasters: New song 11/2 Industrial Revolution

Believe it or not, Krystfallen 1 is Gerado’s first composition. After submitting it, he promised to make another song in a couple months. Unfortunately, we haven’t heard from him since. Also, what’s wrong with the piece being too old. Put it in your top five, man. It contains 100% asskick.

I dunno, whitefang would be pretty pissed if I took out corruption.

You took out my Techno vs Rock 2. I didn’t really care. I’m sure Whitefang won’t make a big deal out of it either. But it’s all up to you. Which piece did you like more? Corruption or Krystfallen 1.

IMO, Krystfallen 1 isn’t the greatest song here. There’s too much of the same stuff and the drums are too powerful. It’s good, but not the greatest.

Alright. Because Roasty gave me permission to freely use his songs for my GH project, I have made my picks. They are…

There Was A Time
…When You were Mine
Capital Me
Illytomynology (sp?)

I’ll be sure to let you guys know when the charts are done (and when they’re on the disc of course)

Would you be able to put the chart and MP3 on a file sharing site or something like that? I’d like to see these (rock)

Sure thing Kd. I have a mediafire acc. and I put a few of my songs up for SH. I also have Moment of Truth by Unknowned and Infinite by DD12 that I still need to put up. I’ll put those on now, then when I finish the Roastmasters track pack insert lol here, be sure to see those on.

EDIT: All my charts, with Notessimo-made songs mp3’s. I have Final Wars by Buckethead, Goofy Goober Rock by Spongebob, and Legend of Zelda Theme by Yngwie Malmsteen. The others are all Notessimo-made music and the mp3s that go with the charts. Enjoy.

Wait a minute… everything that ends with a .chart what exactly am i downloading?

The .chart files are the Guitar Hero note chart thingys, they have to be opened with a chart editor program like Feedback.

EDIT: Fish, I just found 3 charts I made a while back for Notessimo songs. I’ll try and upload them if you’d like.

Thanks. That’d be great.

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Got 'em up

Thanks. I finished There Was A Time and …When You Were Mine earlier today. I’m just about to start one of the other 2. They should be up by tonight, if not tonight, then definitely tomorrow.

I finished the Roastmasters tracks. They are expert only. I also organized the stuff by artist, so there’s a folder for Roastmasters, Unknowned, DD12, and fishrocker (why that’s me) and their songs are in the respective folders. I say …When You Were Mine and Illytomynolgy are impossible. See interlude d for WYWM and just about the whole song for Ill…

Have fun.

So you got the charts done? Yay!


Wow im stupid, nevermind


I like posting in my own thread. This is my safe haven. I feel comfortable here in my thread for some reason… have you ever walked around your house naked since no one else is there? Yea, thats how it feels.

So let me get this right. Posting in your own thread is like walking around your own house naked when nobody is there? What if the police barge in, only to find out they have a search warrant for 169 Street St., and not your house at 69 Street St., and stare at your abnormally tiny, I mean, large penis while you are still in shock about the sudden entry of the local law enforcement officers? If you wish to tell me the Notessimo equivilant of that bizzare scenario, please do so. I wonder what that would be.

Please note that I am just saying this in the name of fun.

Um… posting 3 gigs worth of porn in a thread at 4am while all the mods are sleeping… only for them to wake up and find out there’s porn everywhere?