Rock Thread (Original)

What do you mean?

there was always a long pause

nvm itā€™s gone

I think those long pauses are a glitch or something in Notessimo. I get them sometimes when Iā€™m listening to songs.

Yes, but only when there are a lot of sheets. What you do, is click on every sheet before you listen to the song. If you do that, there will be no pauses.

Yay! I finished my song!!!

That was nice, Anthony.

It was alright. Needs bass.

Yeah, I agree. It does seem a little empty.

GAH!!! Damn you bass!!! Well, at least I triedā€¦I didnā€™t want the bass to be too loud cuz then it would sound a bit too hardcore (in my opinion) and hardcore doesnā€™t fit in a love song
But yeah, I totally agree with you. I should have tried a little harder with the bass. thanks for the criticism.

Just put it at a really low volume. (just enough to where you can hear it) And not eighth notes, make them like half notes if possible to get a slower feel.

that was pretty good, Anthony

I wasnā€™t satisfied with my rock song so I made another one. I even gave it a badass title

Great song Anthony!

That was awesome. You seem to have a natural talent for this lol.

Iā€™d have to agree with both of you

sigh finally, I made a new song. Bugs, glitches and schoolwork slowed down my progress but I was finally able finish the song (and fix the bug at the same time )
Hope you guys enjoy my new song. Its not my greatest creation but Iā€™m pretty satisfied with the result.

Nice song Anthony! See, you can still make songs!

thanks Unfortunately, I wonā€™t be able to post a lot of songs right now. I need to catch up on my schoolwork.

Your song was pretty nice.

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