im working on a song, but it is very annoying cause I can’t get the right note length or synth. It’s racing kirby from atemis tracker
racing kirby? which one is that I don’t remember
i don’t know how to describe it
have a link to a sound file of it?
no, it is practically impossible to find and they are always .mod files and i can’t play them on anything.
It is by Joule
NNOOOOO i meant on the internet…not on notessimo…
that is what i am saying…
uuuuuuugh never mind…
are you talking about the gourmet race, racing kirby like from kirby air ride, or something else?
something else
It is on Atemis Tracker
Ok I oficially have no clue what you are talking about…what the hell is Atemis Tracker?
But I DID find THIS
Mine is better though…
that was alot of off topic discussion we could have done in private chat LOL
How ironic. “A VIRUS HAS BEEN DECTECTED” has a glitch.
How? LOL that is funny!
Im sorry i just feel like i should be reminding you how awesome Minizoeliorealopieologyst is.
lol how to spell it:
that new song…“Mirror” I got the electric piano part idea from
someone (I FORGOT WHO) that mentioned adding en echo…so I tried to do it too!
and I added a smily with a goatee