Steam Accounts

I believe that is a fairly descent card. Just about anything from NVIDIA is going to be good.

that’s nice to know. Thanks JMan. I know this is off-topic but, I think I know how you got your name. JMan- your first name probably starts with a J and you are da man. 1293-Your birthday (month) December of 1993.

Ooo…close…You got the JMan part right. And the 93 part. The 12 is actually my favorite number.

You seem to be pulling a Sandy Witches maneuver.

why 12? why not 69 lol?

lol There was some sort of 69 joke in band today. Anyway, I’m not sure why I picked 12. I guess because I was 12 at the time and was #12 on the soccer team.

that makes perfect sense

You’re a hypocrite Fishrocker, blame me and JMan for throwing topics off their course, and you go ahead and do that right here! lmao

what do you mean lol

You blame/accuse me and Jan for being the topic changers and you go ahead and change them as well. A hypocrite is someone who blames a person for something, and does it themselves.

i know what a "hypo"crite is.

JMan’s name is Jan?

Oops, it was supposed to be JMan, I guess I missed the ‘M’ lol

Jan is my codename. Kd just wasn’t supposed to tell you.

Everybody will love to here about this…


Just don’t tell fishrocker. I think he is after me.

I won’t tell him about your whereabouts in Ohio

Ok. Thank you.

Back on the topic of steam accounts, I decided not to download it because I don’t have a very good graphics card.

Your welcome

Wait a minute! How did you know!

I don’t know how. looks at Jan’s sig

I have a Steam account now!
I recently (like a month ago) got a new computer with a graphics card that can handle it!