Sweet Home Alabama Remastered FINAL

Sweet Home Alabama remastered now complete.
I took suggestions from 2 people:
Dreadstump: Pitch mod trick for whammy/vibrato in long solo
Antonim: Hammer-ons and pull-offs (Make every other 2nd note at last bar of all riffs softer)

eh, good enough

direct L/R comparison would probably be better help than any suggestions I make at this point

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Like, this song on the left channel and the original on the right?


Ok I will try to piece it together for an MP3. The bpm in the original isn’t exactly 1:1 when I last put them together before just to have a listen so the speeds will have to be edited in my DAW program Mixcraft 8. Some instrument volumes may be too loud or soft but that’s as close as I can get it