The CC's Music Collection Update (2/12/09)

hey everyone;
please comment on anyone of my songs in this collection.
tell me which one you love the most.
and which one you absolutly hate.

Simoan loop
Second comeing of Death
Unable to Manage
Halo Sad Rock
No One
Dreams (fan Favorite)
Long Gone
Unknown Entity
Nights (fan Favorite)
Rocken’ Cannon (First song ever made on notessimo 2)
Attention in Kombat
00 eleven
Robot Rock our Way

if any of the links dont work please PM me about it
Thank you

Well they are all really great but the Robot Rock Our Way…the guitar was kinda high pitched…just didnt seem right…
well anyway great job…

well…keep on rockin

thanks for you criticizm ill try my best to fix it

come on people i need your critisism and all i am geting is votes
i also need to know what i should fix in my songs so please reply

Rocken’ Cannon: in my opinion, doesn’t really need much improvement. One suggestion: the guitar part on sheet 8 is so low it’s distorted. Try bringing it up an octave or using a different instrument. Also, it gets rather repetitive once you stop adding new sheets. That in itself isn’t really a problem, as it’s a well composed song, but you may want to see if anything can be done to reduce the repetition.

Atention in Kombat: overall, well made. Assuming that this is based on the Mortal Kombat theme, the main line is a little slow, with the rhythm slightly off. I don’t think you have enough notes put in.

Teraphorm: I really like this piece. The only real problem that I find with it is that the instant the drum section starts, the percussion completely overpowers the melody. You might try using the same rhythm, but with a reduced volume.

00eleven: pretty well put together, but too repetitive, especially at the beginning and end. Also, some of the trumpet notes are held for too long and distort the next note or two. Try shorting them to avoid overlapping.

Robot Rock our Way: good start, but need to put in the drum solo intro, and keep the drum beat going throughout the song. Also, your rhythm is a little off in some parts. It may do you good to listen to the song as you compose, if you aren’t already doing so.

Overall, songs are well made with good melodies. From what I can see, your main issues are rhythm and note length, both of which are easily fixed.

hey everyone;
please comment on anyone of my songs in this collection.
tell me which one you love the most.
and which one you absolutly hate.

Simoan loop
Second comeing of Death
Unable to Manage
Halo Sad Rock
No One
Dreams (fan Favorite)
Long Gone
Unknown Entity
Nights (fan Favorite)
Rocken’ Cannon (First song ever made on notessimo 2)
Attention in Kombat
00 eleven
Robot Rock our Way

if any of the links dont work please PM me about it
:o :o :o Thank :D you :o :o

Wow, thats a lot of songs! Ive only listened to 3.,halo sad rock, Dreams, and unknown enitity. I liked the first 2 and then the
Uknown entity I didnt like so much (mainly the opening) Im about to listen to the rest, so keep up the good work.

Heres is another one id like to call
Code Lyoko

bring back the memorys of when i still watched cartoons :smiley:
Its awesome!

ok i havent been puting out songs for a while so ive desided to make this song off of a post i placed in the Music section of the off topic

Tanted Love

i really like the code lyoko theme. i 5*d it

Here is a song done by ATW that i recreated on notessimo
Around the World

Nice one CC. I especially liked No one and ATW keep up the good work

I really liked the songs that I listened to. They were Rockaria, Code Lyoko, Unable to Manage, and Attention in Kombat.
I make custom Guitar Songs through a complicated process in which I place the notes in sync with the mp3 of the song, and I have selected Attention in Kombat to be on Guitar Hero! Well not the actual GH series, my own custom Guitar Hero. Well anyway, I really liked your songs.

Ok im posting more songs
Roller Rocka

Ok im Finished with Frigate La Fayett
here is the Link

I’ve only listened to a few, but they are all suhweet

here is my latest song
Location: Hip-Hop/Rap thread
Name: Rich Man
By: 3oh!3

ok i havent done much on notessimo in a while so here is my latest song
The Hall of the Mountain King (Teckno)

i dont know why, but i felt the urge to change this around. I made Pachabel’s rock different. i made it more complicated, and probably tripled the note count. I massivley changed around the bass pedal, jazzed up the melody, and made a bass part. i will say, your songs are fun to make bass parts to, and change it up.
here: listen.php?id=19320