The motto game

Brightness - mind your eyes.

Mind - common sense in a nutshell

Ace - If you gonna cover a song, Do it right!

song - musical genious’s work at best.

Drums - have rhythm!

Rhythm - Ain’t got none.

My Little Pony - Magic place!

Tsukasa - Ruining lives since 1999!

Lives - you’ll need them for the final boss.

TECHNOPOLIS - Always something new!

Something - Better than nothing, I always say.

Nothing - Nuse’s way of life

Nuse - Always plays Easy Listening Music.

@Timothy - That’s not true

Aliens - hates loud things

Hates loud things - Who doesn’t?

WHO - Not sure if World Health Organization or the band.

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McDonalds-the place for Grease and fat

Are you shitting me?! I listen to dragonforce on FULL BLAST on my netbook!

Grease - The stereotypical 60’s musical that made more people high.

60’s - The best decade we will never experience.