The White Line and Blank Measures

Hey! I really need some help. You Know That White Line that shows where the track loops? How do I move this?
Thanks! - Fateblade99

The white line for looping tracks is automatically placed at the end of the last measure which has notes in it. This includes notes being held from the previous measure, so if you don’t want a blank measure, make sure your notes don’t hold over. You can click on the notes to shorten their lengths.

p.s. For the love of God, check the other posts first. Creating new ones like this serves no purpose other than to clutter the forum even worse than it already is.

I’m sorry, Im totally new to this.

I’m sorry , but i can’t understand what you mean by blank measures, but whenever i put a note on the second last space of a bar, the white line moves to the next bar, no matter how short the note is. C an you please tell me how to keep the white line still?

When duplicating sheets, the white line moves 2 measures over because it duplicates the 2 measures too and it gets the game confused, so to get rid of the extra 2 measures just click on a different sheet then go back to the glitched one and the 2 measures should be gone. (another reason its good to use sheets, its less complicated)

Now there is this other glitch that everyone seems to be having trouble with, its the same thing except you copied some measures instead off duplicating the sheet, which is bad. What I just said above won’t work here, this glitch is permanent and can leave a gap in your song. Now don’t start panicing (unless you already screwed yourself over because in that case, panic on) there is a way to prevent the glitch.

Either One: Use the sheet system more often (Example: like starburst does, 1 sheet per measure) or Two: stop copying to many measures. (Example: You are copying measures 1-6. There are only notes on measures 1-6, none on 7 or 8… but you copy 8 measures anyway, this triggers the glitch and you having an annoying irreversible extra 2 measure gap in your song)

If your song isn’t a victim of either glitch, learn math. 16 spaces per measure, 1 space =4 beats. If your note is 1 space from the end of the measure put the note length at 4, a sixteenth note. If its 2 spaces then 8, an eighth note. 3 spaces =12 4 spaces= 16 quarter note etc etc…

One other thing… the space right before the begging of the measure (the one that touches the measure bar) is part of the next measure.