Thread Off-Topic-ers

Also the info on the OP!

The OP?

Opening Post Jan

Oh. That makes since.

Yes it does

Cool! We have a theme song!
I mean…er…the Sandy Witches which I am not a member of have a theme song.

It is sandy and witch-like.

no… really???

Ya really

I think what you meant to say was…

that Benzee, was the best post I’ve seen in a long while

Hey guys, I’ve made a decision. I am leaving the Sandy Witches.
I will now try to re-topic any thread that tries to go off topic.

I understand Jan. I’ll start a new club for those correcting threads that are off topic…the Banjo Dating Society.

Where do you get these names? ‘Sandy Witches’… ‘Banjo Dating Society’…?

Thanks. But does it have to be the Banjo Dating Society???

No. You’re the leader of the club so you can change it to whatever you want. I just gave it a Temporary Codename That Is Easy To Remember Yet Can Be Sort Of Confusing To Those Who Have Trouble Remembering Things or a TCTIETRYCBSOCTTWHTRT for short.

I don’t think there is a ‘for short’ with that. Just… shorter. lol

I didn’t see this post before when I replied to Jan, so I’ll reply now.

I’ve grown up with some of the best at coming up with random names for random things. My good friends Aditya (he’s now living in India ) and Dan (kermitsnap). I just branched off of them.



How about the Thread On-Topic Society?

That works.