He meant he was reviving the topic, because your music is pure awesome, Tyberious.
Also, I submitted a remix of Heartbeat quite a long time ago (When I noticed it posted in the comments for Notessimo 1 on Kongregate), and some of its elements seem to have made it through to the Yoshi remix, like the string of guitar sounds before the main riffs.
Here it is, in all its three-digited-ID-number crappiness-in-comparison-to-Tyberious’s-current-musicmaking-skills:
Some rhythm errors, and I typo’d Ty’s name in the credit, but it’s still there, right? >_>
i saw that when i first found Notessimo 2 on the featured songs. great job Azzen
The credit should go to you; All I did was transplant the notes with a different instrument, and made the drum loop.
still awesome
Still not nearly as good as what you can do now.
Get a room you two.
Oh, ur funny Hypo
We’ll comply if you give us your room, Hypo.
Woah, this is getting a little weird. lol
Um… no… i’m kinda…actually… totally straight
So am I, but Hypo doesn’t know that.

So am I, but Hypo doesn’t know that.
Well, now Hypo will know. Ha-ha. Try not to let it out unless you wanna.
New Song, The Forbidden!!! To the First Post, NOW
I think The Forbidden could use a little more percussion.
yea, but whatever i tried it just didnt fit the song
making a new song, kind of a techno rock mix thing…my first techno…not going so well, but it will be great
EDIT: okay…not working at all. i’ll just stick with making ROCK. still making the virus, but it’s not techno
ANOTHER EDIT: okay…that isnt working either…okay, no more virus. i’ll come up with something though
YET ANOTHER EDIT: making a song that Rocks, it’s called Halcyon, no idea what that means but it sounds cool
almost finished Halcyon, but i need a few days to think up something more for the song
new song, The Unknown, check it
Ah, another quadrapost! But I guess this occurs because of the way you formated your topic; if you don’t get any responses to a new song, you can’t really bring attention to a new song without a new post… or a bump. I was a little disappointed to see the same pattern of emphasis on The Unknown as you are using in Halcyon (why not The Halcyon hmmm?), especially since Halcyon looks very promising and The Unknown just kind of peters out with it. Also, watch your multi-posts you bum.