Unpeautiful Pink is better

Like what?

  1. I call remix at songs with have my modifications

  2. there are uncommon instruments on notessimo. See misc

Like who came up with the “Nice” name? They should have called it “Ping” or something.



However, that jingle is scary in that logo because it as a loud volume. It’s like:
Vegatalbalta! What’s the volume level???

I don’t like it.

Dude, Why are you so mean!?!

You don’t have to be so rude. He’s a pretty good composer IMO. All you do is rearrange other people’s songs. And having a big ego doesn’t work here.

I dislike you. Cheesy line ahead hate is too strong of a word too label people with, seeing as I used to dislike roasty, but his attitude changed, same thing with unknowned, except it was more like a dislike sandwhich, because of his recent self-proclaimed title, nestled between two fluffy buns of like.

Yes “hate” is a very strong word.

Use “despise”.

yes… is a veeeeeery bad song :twisted:

I have tempo problems → Ritardando´s


I don’t swearing.

Don’t lie, okay? We know you said hate.

Saying “despise” is not swearing. People use it all the time.

Yes, it offended ME

Don’t worry fran I loved your song.

I just realized something. Me and fran are the only notessimen that aren’t white.

feels good man

I’m asian.

Does Redneck count as another race?

I’m So sorry Roasty… but i’m white, i live in Argentina… and there isn’t a lot of black people. Where’d you get that?

so, where are you living?

Woah. Just took a look at your Dream Police cover. Love it