I taught myself by looking up tabs for songs, and trying to play them. No online or IRL lessons for me. After… a year of teaching myself, I finally got an electric guitar. It’s better to start on an acoustic guitar to be honest, with it being a little trickier to play, the electric guitar will be a breeze. And of course, the hours of Guitar Hero taught my fingers how to move quickly and accurately on the fretboard
I started with electric guitar instead of acoustic… it was hard…
I was self taught
I took the liberty of playing my first 7 months of ELECTRIC guitar with no pick what so ever…
It seems I am starting out like Kd. I have been playing a fake acoustic for about a year. I won it at the boardwalk which is why I call it fake lol. I sometimes look up tabs and try to play the song (that doesn’t usually go well, because the songs I would like to play are hard (Joe Satriani, Buckethead, etc) and I don’t really know easy songs to play). I do know how to play a few riffs on my guitar, like the verse and chorus of Jordan, but everything else is too hard. I guess I need to practice. And my fingers are (somewhat) coordinated by playing GH. Even though that has very little to do with real guitar, other than strum endurance and basic hand position (I MEAN BASIC), I think could be a semi-half solid start to trying to guitar. I don’t know when I will play an electric but I certainly won’t be paying for lessons lol. I don’t think I could even afford the actual instrument, let alone lessons.
Been playing Guitar since February 07. I started out with a Squire (who doesn’t these days ) and have since upgraded to an Ibanez. I don’t really opt for learning songs, because I don’t really see the point in learning copyrighted material when I could make up my own. However, I learn a few songs that I particulary like and are actually fun to play. Trying to learn I Am the Anger by Firewind right now. The solo’s not too hard, just simple patterns at very high speeds. And the tuning is a whole step down so it sounds like crap when you play it in standard, but I can’t be arsed to tune my guitar back and forth. Also, for some reason, I have been obsessed with multiple finger tapping lately. I can tap with 3 fingers at once ftw, but 4 is extremely hard since pinkies of us normal guitar-playing folk don’t have the pinkies of Paul Gilbert and Buckethead.
I also REALLY WANT TO PLAY THE DRUMS. Idk why, but I just feel the need to drum with my fingers every minute of the day. And when I’m done doing that, I just take pencils and double/triple hit with them for like 20 minutes straight. It’s an obsession. Unfortunately I don’t have $500 dollars to spend on a whim. I also don’t really know where I would put it. Fortunately, both my parents work so I have ample time to practice before I get a fire hydrant thrown at me for playing. XD. Maybe I could get one for Christmas, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
I am tom from USA. My hobby is to playing piano. I play piano, my voice, and i made up an instrument with one of my friends, we called it the “tooth”-pick. you get a gituar pick and strum it on your teeth. making your mouth different sizes changes the pitch. I love piano so much. I would marry my keyboard if I could.I can play piano, double bass and violin. Unfortunately, I am not very good at either. Especially the stringed instruments.
Thanking you…