Wii Friend Codes

Just an FYI Jman; you cant have a pic within a link…so removing the quotes still won’t make the link work…

The Curse of sp…

Well he’d have to fix that too, then.

yeps…I just linked it to the words when I posted mine

Actually, Spacepixel, you can link Images to things. (Click the picture)

well it doesn’t work most of the time I try it…

jeez, did my signature start all this rickrolling?

thanks anyway i just deleted the whole thing all together i don’t need fancy signatures.

put it in the Super Smash bros thread (HERE) so people can still view and/or upgrade it…(I didn’t get a chance too )

and so maybe other people will get one…

hey…they stole our idea!!! freakes!!!

caleb, your avatar is epic win…

sorry I just had to point that out. Okay, back on topic time…

who? what? when? where? why?

For Brawl, 0431-5131-1028.
That’s it

As an American, I find the wii amazingly incriminating

alright here are mine.
mario kart:2578-4947-7887
thats all

I only got brawl…my only game I play with Wi-Fi.
BUT CAN PLEASE…Someobdy just add me…by the time is messaged I’ll be on Wi-Fi already!
It’s Brawl only.

Remember! 0431-5131-1028!

I’ll go ahead and add you tomorrow. I’m to lazy to turn my Wii on… even though it is about 10 feet away lol But it has GH:WT in it, not Brawl right now (hlisten)

I only got GH for Xbox 360 but I don’t got LIVE.
And I know sometimes it’s free…but I’ve never gotten the chance to use it…

BTW, I like to use Ike, Falco, Sonic, Marth, and Lucario. My main guy is Ike…


You know, I should probably make note of my taunts if we ever do manage to meet in battle…because my taunts are mean and harsh.

I think I’m free tonight if anyone wants to come on then?

I can turn my Wii on now if that’s alright…if you’re playing Brawl that is.
I’ll wait for your registration.
I’m on right now…
And J-Roz…my Wii is telling me your Friend Code is incorrect.

whops sorry i had the wrong numbers ok i’ll see if i can do it l8er
fiexed version: 0774-3934-5918