The hell is ram? lol
Hey, sweet. This conversation is turning into a PS3 vs XBox360 debate. Let me try!
PC is only better for FPS games.
PC > 360
And guys, I was only kidding, jeez
I think PC pwns all… you can play any classic on it (PS1 and down…) And it has mods also has better graphics because it is all scaled down onto a smaller screen… (that means to not get a gigantic screen for pc!)
plus its easy to pirate
I have an x360
It’s mostly my brother’s, we can’t really afford Xbox live. I think it’s pretty gay that you have to pay for console internet access, but it’s microsoft. They’re gonna milk every cent they can.
I just got Assassin’s Creed II. It’s really nice.

I hava a xbox live…

I have a X-Box 360 and Live.
Both of you, post your gamertags. I’m making a list of people’s gamertags in OP
I think PC is only good for RTS games and some adult things.

…and some adult things.
You’re talking about careers, politics, and weather conditions, right? Right?! D:<