10 Truths About Yourself

  1. I like ponies too
  2. My favourite pony is Twilight Sparkle
  3. I also like ducks
  4. Why haven’t they made My Little Ducks yet? (Applequack anyone?)
  5. Hellstick is awesome.
  6. My username combines my two favourite things: nus (“naked” in French) and vitelline (of the yolk of an egg).
  7. I retract the statement above.
  8. I like to draw, even though I can’t draw. (Except I can draw animals from the planet blob)
  9. Hellstick is awesome.
  10. I know someone who slipped in a shower and got a scar, lol.

Twilight Quackle
Quacky Pie
Rainbow Quack

Quackle Bloom
Big Quackintosh
Mr Carrot Quacke
Mrs Cup Quacke
Princess Celestiquack
Princess Lunquack

1: i am 18 years old
2: i love to play guitar
3: i love to listen to Modern Music (since late 70’s)
4: my favorite bands are: Mötorhead,Aerosmith,Ac/Dc,Metallica,Slipknot,Korn,Pantera,VooDoo,Tersivel & Judas Priest
5: i am a 3rd class High Schooler
6: i love parties
7: my favorite food is Pizza
8: i built a racecar in Wood
9: i am a fan of Thomas & Friends
10: i hate Justin Bieber

What you wrote…

What I heard…

  1. I am lying about my age
  2. i can’t capitalize the letter I
  3. I have a very broad definition of modern music
  4. I like typical heavy metal bands
  5. I’m a third rate highschooler
  6. Generic statement to meake me sound cool
  7. Random unimportant fact
  8. either you build a race car with a hard-on the whole time or you built one while trapped inside a log
  9. I am not as cool as bronies
  10. I have a unnecessary hatred of anything considered girly

Well said, Mr. Ix

Have my babies.

Excuse me, I’m first.


Oh, wow, haven’t done this yet.

  1. I am a 15 year old high school student with a PhD in procrastination. I reside in Canada, but I’m asian. No, I can’t speak Japanese, but I’d like to.
  2. I love anime. I’m not a fan of action/adventure/whatever anime like Death Note or Naruto, but I love girly slice-of-life animes. Sometimes they make me jealous of their normal, yet somewhat entertaining lives. I mean, a high school student with an alien, a time traveller, an esper, and a goddess as a friend? :L Oh, in addition, I love humanized version of stuff, like MLP. I would DIE so see an anime version of MLP.
  3. Although I am a big trance/DnB/Electro/Glitch fan, I do listen to silly boy bands once in a while. I have all of All Time Low’s songs hidden in the depths of my Documents folder. Good luck trying to find it, it took me 9 hours to hide it. Hint: it’s hidden inside 3 .isos, 12 .rars, 6 .zips, and a .txt saying you lost the game. (hurr durr)
  4. I have a dandere complex. (SHHHH…)
  5. Sometimes, I like to watch MTV and list ridiculous things that they have. I have 2 notepads full of stuff. Mostly crappy rap videos. Oh, and I hate mainstream music with a passion. I bring a pait of nail scissors with me just in case someone plugs in their stereo and blasts Katy Perry. I also have C4 if they’re going with something wireless.
  6. On the contrary to my previous confession, I love Selena Gomez. She is AMAZING. I love her songs, and I think she’s awesome. I’ve watched all of her shows and have all of her songs. I’m not a crazy stalker fan though, I don’t go through all of her tweets and seep in all of the information and track her down. Oh yeah, and I think she’s cute.
  7. I’m obsessed with a lot of stuff, but they come and go. Some notable obsessions that I have are MLP, Yume Nikki, Angel Tales, and Muselline’s hair. I will probably never de-un-obsess myself from those things.
  8. I’m very OCD. Well, with some things. Sometimes, I don’t like to organize stuff, because I usually end up taking ten times as long as a normal person would. I’ll give you an example. Let’s say I was bored one day and decided to organize my Pictures folder, containing 5 images of cats. I would take an hour thinking of what to rename them, another hour deciding whether I should separate them into several folders, and another 10 hours tying to organize my whole computer and eventually giving up and tossing everything into my Trash folder. (The only folder I have on my desktop containing multiple files and crap, for somewhat easy access.)

    Okay, that was boring, let me try again.
    I’ve always joked about writing fanfics about random stuff, like Muselline’s Hair, Muselline’s love affair with Uchihakyle, Muselline travelling back in time to go out with a prehistoric bird, etc. But, nobody really took me sriously. Little did they know, I have a fanfic containing every significant person on Notessimo. It’s 94 pages long and it contains a lot of romance. (Don’t worry guys, it’s not NSFW, except for this one part with Muselline…)
  9. I always imagine what characters would be like if they were in Kingdom Hearts. Octavia would have a badass treble-clef shaped keyblade.
  10. Whew, last one. I’m extremely emotional. I cry whenever I show I watch would end. Like, even if it was some crappy drama series. Or, even a video game, maybe. Kingdom Hearts 2 and Persona 3 made my cry so much. I just sit in a corner, sobbing. That’s what I get from being raised by my mother and surrounded by 10 female cousins. I don’t mind my effemininity though, I quite find it ‘fun’ to deal with. Maybe I’m just sadistic, who knows.

Also, I have a huge crush on Muse-san. <3 <3 <3


I AM MUSE.[/b][/i]

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Excuse me but what the hell are you guys doing? Im not a fan of Timothys songs myself but you cant post stuff like that just because you dont like his songs…

Concerning fact 8 (at least i think its 8) and 9 in Tsukasa’s post:
Give keyes to fanfic. NAO!
As for fact 9: KINGDOMHEARTS IS AWESOME! Are they still working on the 3rd one? (im not thinking about the weird versions ive heard of, but rather a version for ps3 or xBox or whatever…)
I also laughed at fact 3:P

Why is my name in there six times? I’m too scared to read.

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Does nojk mean “no joke” or no, joke"?

Also can I see that fanfic … for science … ?

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Which question did you answer there?

Also for science. And geology.

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  1. I’m currently in high school
  2. I’m a geek (in a i have multiple geeky t-shirts that 75% of people wouldn’t get sort of way)
  3. I’m a brony (for less than a month so far…)
  4. I can sing (http://soundcloud.com/leifeday/dont-look-back)
  5. I think i’m cooler than i actually am I’m awesome.
  6. I live in Florida where EVERY. DAY. IS. SUMMER.
  7. It’s been a while since I’ve actually “purchased” software “legally”.
  8. my username was derived from a spongebob episode (bubble buddy)
  9. My real name is Jesse
  10. I’m ALWAYS happy. It gets kinda creepy sometimes…

Bump. I’ll update mine.

  1. I’m 15 years old, and a freshman in High School. I am now a Sophomore in High School, still 15.
  2. I listen to old music, not this new pop stuff. Stuff from the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. I’ve been slightly more open, but still no new crap.
  3. My favorite band is Queen, followed by Pink Floyd. Queen forever.
  4. I am usually pretty outgoing on Notessimo and other forums, and i’m open to talk to people. I’ve gotten more serious on Notessimo, but more fun and outgoing in the Notessimo Skype group/chat.
  5. I talk about Queen and my group a lot, and people annoy me about how often I talk about it. I haven’t talked about Queen a lot, lately. Mostly because I have nobody who wants to hear my lectures about it.
  6. I have a problem that I want to talk to somebody about, but i’m not going to. Yup, still have a major thing in my life that I want to talk about, but have no one I want to talk about it to.
  7. I am very thankful for this community, even though it seems I can’t make good music. Mostly. … … Well, the latter is true, even though very few people on the site have heard one of my complete songs.
  8. I got a bass guitar for Christmas, and I learned all of Side Two of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon (excluding Any Colour You Like, which I will work on later). I have actually learned 8 of the 10 songs on the album, Speak To Me, Breathe, Time, Money, Us & Them, Brain Damage, Eclipse for bass guitar.
  9. I’m trying to get myself a 1967 Mustang as my first car. Yes I know what i’m doing. Yup, I’m planning to get a fixer-upper soon and fix it up myself.
  10. (new) I have joined the Jazz Band in school, and I am currently working on my first album with FL. Hardest part is writing meaningful lyrics.
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1.sophpmore (high school) I am now a Junior I am going to be a senior
2. I play percussion
3. I read comics- I have nine Garfield books checked out from the library and two still on hold!
4.I listen to 70s,80s, and orchestral music(John Williams) I do still listen to 80s and John williams, but I am into 70s music more now
5.I go to notessimo daily I don’t have as much time as I used to to visit daily. It is summer. I still have less than a month before I go back so I am on here alot.
6.Queen is my favorite Band right now, U2, BeeGees, and Billy Joel and Boston
7.Bohemian Rhrapsody- Favorite song (right now) Go The Distance (from Hurcules) Joy to the World (by Three Dog Night)
8. I have Composer’s Block Not as bad as before
9.I can speak a little Spanish I can speak a LOT of spanish
10. Enchiladas are my favorite food

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