2 SUGGESTIONS by ggfchl.

  1. users should be able to delete their posts if they want to. i’ve had may times where i posted somethig and wish i hadn’t. so there would just be a button that says “delete” by the “quote” and “edit” buttons.

  2. Anti-spam thingy. Here’s how it would work: a user posts something. when they try again, it will say “Please wait 3 minutes before posting again.” Spamming here is not a big problem in the forums, but… we could impliment this in the somg section of Notessimo. (TV)

tell me what you think!

I think this should have been in the Traker.( but nobody even goes there anymore)

I don’t care if this get’s locked.


I agree 100%.

Deleting posts? Im not sure about that. This is really nice site but when 2 other people argument in the forums, because the posts are undeletable, Moderators can sum up the situation and solve it in the most correct way.

I agree with Ggfchl!

thanks guys for supporting my idea!

I agree with a deletion button only if it can be used if no one has posted after the post. Post’s are evidence to us mods.

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