3 even though it was already suggested
- Noone did 1
The first one! I hate Brave! And I haven’t seen it yet either. Just to be clear, it’s the Hunger Games ripoff but with less blood.
TV’s turn.
here it goes!
- I love to steal cars on the Playstation
- I own a XBOX 360.
- I like doing woodworking
- How is that even possible? You made it so obvious.
I’m going to say 2.
Clearwater is right! I still don’t own an XBOX360, but i own a PS3 for gods sake.
Clearwater’s turn!
- I am taking AP History next year (as a Junior in high school).
- I have green eyes.
- I use a $50 Kodak camera to take my photographs.
i guess 3
That leaves 1 for me to guess…
- Despite “popular” belief from many young, new members in this community, I am, in fact, a Walrus.
- My region of residence is the South Pole.
- The food that makes me exceedingly happy is fish. I prefer super salty fish.
Ace is correct. I have blue eyes.
I guess 2 for Walrus.
So… Ace AND Walrus’s turn, I guess?
Yes, correct! 2 is incorrect. Walruses live in the northern pole. You human are now in my top 3 favorite humans in this community, how smart.
Walri. It’s walri. Like Cacti and genii.
Really? Never knew that.
Who are the other two?
I pass my turn to Ace. I don’t want to dominate the thread.
- I have a pet snake.
- I used to be a big fan of BIONICLE.
- I own an iPad.