372 Days by fishrocker

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its weird how I don’t like this song as much as other songs on this site… its probably just something messed up with the gears in my head. If I were to give a good guess it would be that a lot of the song has virtually no background almost every instrument is playing the same part, which means that there is little support. I wanted to hear more support (note this problem to me only appears about half way through the song). But this is probably just me being… well me and hearing the song all wrong and twisted, anyways GLAD TO SEE YOU BACK FISHROCKER!!!

(insta 5)

I love what u did with the cymbals. 5/5

WOW!!! an entire 4 comments for a featured song!!!


really the song is excellent but it gets repetitive in the 2nd half. overall 4/5 just a bit too much of the same thing near the end.

The intro reminds me of In too deep.