Acoustic Songs

like that one of the guy in the museum!
oh, and its TOT time

the spelling mistake isn’t mine, it’s Unkowneds. If I created it it would be “Acoustic songs thread”

Off-topic guys.

EDIT: Screw it. Contributing

Dat’s my fav song ya maek!

Here ya guys go!

That was very nice! The acoustic guitar was great! :slight_smile: 5/5

Yes the acoustic guitar really is a dynamic instrument. You can play the weirdest crap and somehow it all fits together somehow, such as in the opening parts of Gateway to Paradise where it speeds up. I mean, just imagine sheet 16 if it was made by the metal guitar shudders

Voted 4

LOL so true star


noice one starwars, at one point te synth sonded kinda like AVGN. I dont watch that tourretes bag, i just know the tune, kinda.

Well … it was a good song, but I didn’t really like all the bass things (like the Spaces), I thought they seemed to clash and ruined the great acoustics and vocals.

Well I was making a space song…how do you do that without at least touching the Saturn instrument? Personally I think it fits rather well into the background because it somehow stays on beat. And I LOVE my bass riffs, especially this one. So I guess I have to disagree, because even if the bass was bad, it wasn’t over-powering the vocals.

Still, I’m getting a lot of mixed opinions here. Fish said that he didn’t like the vocals and muse doesn’t like any of the bassline instruments…I like your critique because it makes me take second looks at that aspect of the song.

Yes of course you’re right, you know a lot more about making good songs.