Any news on the CC2016?

Who here is still interested in CC2016? I know this site is going through a bit of a lull right now but I hope there are still enough contributors to make the effort worthwhile. If all we need is a little organization, I can help.

I’m still up for it

We may need a new chart/table of everyone who’s still in

I’ll do it.

you can billwurtz your way out of this one

I’ll do it

You’ll allow it.

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the what

Community collaboration 2016


yeah thats dead because the forum is dead
theres only like 4 people here now

we are the last bastion (of notessimo society)

I guess that means we have to repopulate.

unzips dick

i really hope that one day, in the near future, you will be able to cringe at comments like these.

second time today I’ve had to refer to know your fucking meme

i really hope that one day, in the near future, you will be able to cringe at comments like these.

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you can’t be fucking serious, dude

I really hope that one day, in the near future, you will be able to stop trying to insult people.

Tsukasa, it seems you’ve forgotten some forum rules. Allow me to remind you:

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get some succ dude