band names

hey guys, if you were ever to start a band, what would you call it?

i would probably call my band seahorse cavalry or something equally as stupid.

Bankrupt Billionaires
The Homicidal Kitties

These are the names of my bands in rock band 2 lul

Inevitable Dog Party.

Blastoise and The Squirtle Squad.

On a more serious note,

Solo Player/Stage Name: JazzHands

Band Names: Toxic Shockwave (Yes, I DID get the name from ToxicShock Syndrome, go away (rock) ), Black Lightning, FreezeFire, Breakneck Meteor.

I usually focus on Astrology/Astromonomy/Elements when coming up with band names. Just thought of these like 5 minutes ago. Also, IDK if these are taken or not. Probably by some garage band in Seattle. >_>

8 Last Memories

“Nut Slap”


All I can think of as of now.

Ironic Mantra
Noise Industrial-Complex-Resembling-a-Factory
Blackout & the Beer Shits
Partially Assembled in America
The Gary Coleman’s

Saved the best for last there.

Lightning Strike
Black Dragons

lol those were some awesome band names Hypo


I’d probably choose some city as my band’s name.

  • Charleston
  • Columbia

Or maybe a state name that hasn’t already been chosen like:

  • Alaska
  • Nebraska

If I had to make up a real name, I’d go with…something mythical or celestial like:

  • The Phoenixes
  • Galaxy
  • Sector 1

Obviously I wouldn’t be the decider on my band’s name because all of those sucked XD


Love your originality. And don’t worry, I bet gs’s suck even more (probably gonna be a long string of digits (ie. proof that Goku is going to win)).

sounds like a good name Muse. Maybe I’ll do that.

Black night