Call of Duty in general

W…w.w.w.w.wait, let me get this straight. U do not like CoD MW2?? We got to get this guy a pizza and MW2. ASAP!!

90 percent of the internet hates CoD. I find it strange that there is a Call of Duty Thread at all here.

uhh can we reduce that do 60 percent? Please?

CoD sucks. Internet hate +1

Well, it doesn’t suck. It’s just really bad.

Of course it doesn’t. It doesn’t have a mouth!

I see what you did there.

So what about K/D Ratios?
I’m not the best, mine is a 1.32 in Black Ops, my highest was 1.38.

More like 1% of people on the internet hate CoD, and 1% of them are vocal about it.

Black Ops didn’t deserve the hype it got. Aside from Nazi Zombies, there was nothing special about it compared to MW2.
And yet, my weak mind is still easily brainwashed by it’s online multiplayer as I have not been able to stop playing it. Level 36 2nd prestige here… I need help. Dx

Ohaider I got Black Ops for New Years and I was like “pew pew pew” and “chkah-chkah-chkah-chkah” and killing guys online and stuff yo. My best K-D was 6 (went 18-3, I was surpirsed) but my average K-D is probably less than .8 But I haven’t played in at least a week though. Oh and I loved the campaign; 'twas amazing imho.

It’s way more than that, I promise.

Call Of Duty sells more and more each year. Even PC is selling more. Modern Warfare 2 was the 8th best selling game of 2010, It came out in 2009.

I’m talking about the internet, as in anyone who ever posts on a forum, not the random people at school. I’d say 80, maybe 90, percent of all the guys at are school have talked about cod. maybe 5 percent of that talks on forums. Most of those people hate cod.

Yo, havent made a post in a while, been playin to much black ops!!! But seriously, black ops is really good game. I had a rough patch with the game and went back to MW2 for a while, but now I love the game. The maps are good, the weapons are for the most part pretty balanced, and I love all the extra things u can do with the guns and such. I still think that COD4 is a better game, cause it have my favorite gun on it, the M40EA, so that is still my fav COD. If anyone wants to add me my gamertag is thastings95

I LOVE THAT GAME i bought it from PSN for about $7.

=O someone who agrees with me…i could never stand the MOH series…they’re terrible. XD

Agreed. Except in a way i prefer MW2…i really liked the spec ops for example…but i like the nazi zombies more…however…i find that black ops online is unbearable because i am never able to find a non-laggy game -.- it was supposed to be reduced…wtf it seems to be worse for me…

So you have a PS3? What’s your username? :3 (I don’t think I have you anyways.)

Also on topic here… how long do you think it’ll take Activision to kill the CoD series? I think this will do it.

Swirly 7
But ill be offline till like july XD
I had no idea they were considering that?
i think the modern warfare series is close to finishing probably 3…4 if they drag it out.
Treyarch’s may not go for much longer either…they’re pretty close to modern times as it is…unless they decide to go to WW1 or something -.-
It has been stated that some people would like to see a future warfare kinda thing…if they did decide to do that…who knows…

That’s what I was kinda thinking the next one would be. I mean, they do have those futuristic weapons in Nazi zombies; the ray gun and thunder gun. I don’t know how they’d work it out, but I have a funny feeling the multiplayer part will still remain unchanged.

Its not like your going to be able to run around in multiplayer disintegrating people in one shot with the raygun…let alone kill people through walls with a thundergun while everyone is hiding at the captured HQ.

Unless theres some sort of super awesome armor -.-