Cheese Quest

Anyone here ever play Cheese Quest? It’s a game about Cheese from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends and I love the soundtrack. It reminds me of epic times. Play it for yourself.

No no no no no no. What’s cheese quest? Sounds scary!

It sort of like an arcade game, except its on the computer. Available in 3d and normal d, no downloading needed. It has 3 levels and a bonus stage.

Level 1-You are walking and you jump over cocoa pups, collect chocolate milk, get a brother lady bonus, monkey dance lesson bonus, and you get a horsey.
Level 2-You are riding your horsey in space, fighting various cupcakes that shoot you. Make your way to the end and fight the big boss- the cake! Shoot them down with your horsey.
Level 3- You ride a water horsey (shark) and eat torpedoes for points. Don’t get hit by them!
Bonus Stage- Run around back and forth in a bowl, dodging cocoa pups until you complete the level, thus completing the game!

Levels 1&3 have the best theme music.

ok, lol

I hate level 2! That is to hard!!

Oh I remember this! (rock) Good times… Good times…


I saw a comercial for this a couple years ago…i can’t remember if i beat it so ill play it again

I’ve beaten this game plenty of times. I only play it for the soundtrack lol. It’s such a good tune!