Continent Poll

Here is a poll to figure out where Notessimo is more localized

It seems to be quite popular in Antarctica.

Hm… how odd.

reaserchers LOVE music!

i wanted to say Antarctica, but my mommy says that is lying and lying is wrong, so I had to be a boring old North American


yes I just revived a thread that the last post was over a year ago…deal with it

Who’s that lonely European?

LOL I was wondering that too
maybe DJ??

maybe i should have choose Africa instead of N.A.

We have 3 Englanders

No-one said anything about Englanders.

I said European too! That makes two of us.

ok then, we have 3 europeans (or at least the ones that have said so), and Bron Skien went there for a tour (for his choir), and heartsasword was born in germany (moved here right after), and… nobody else.

America is gradually stealing the population of the Interwebz

Canada FTW.

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Eyez haz Canadian mon3yz

but i gotz nu amerika monyz

LOL who on this forum does…

I think this poll scientifically proves that Antarticans are great songwriters (results weighted on population)

Ya all 6 of the total population

unless they’re penguins!!!

How do you know they’re good? Maybe those six Antarcticans are actually the ones who keep posting those terrible songs.

what have you got against penguins?