I think that one will need a lot more work before it’s done!
well yeah
Galaxy Fantasy rocks. I wish it could be longer but I don’t think it would seem right. 5/5.
my thread has 2000 views! coolio!
Awesome stuff!
And… now it doesn’t
Wow, thanks guys! My thread is now one of the MOST popular thread (in terms of views) in the WHOLE FORUM!
How about the Vidya games thread?
i said ONE of the most popular, not THE most popular.
You capatalized “MOST”
sorry for the confusion.
I voted 9. I like almost all of your songs that I’ve heard, but there’s those few that I don’t like. How dare anybody vote 8 or less. Definitly 9.
I feel bad now… I’m the one who put the 8 Sorry DD!
dont worry, i actually expected 7s.
who put a 5 for the poll, 6 nines, 2 eights, and a 7 are great though! Im only curious
who put a 1? im leaving 4ever. brb
I don’t remember if I even voted in this one…
whatever happened to your version of frog’s theme DD? i remember seeing it in the unfinished songs thread but i can’t find it here…