DD12's Swanky Shit B)

Did you try again?

I had already deleted theme to free up spaceā€¦

50 SONGS!! heres to atleastā€¦ ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 15 more!!!

50 songs?
Holy damn DarkDan! Good jobā€¦ haha, that rhymed too

OMG 50 SONGS!!! Megaman III Intro sounded pretty good. Racing Against Time made me think of Megaman. I clicked on Confusion, and I was in a state of confusion when Power Hungry Madness came up. Youā€™ve composed better songs than Power Hungry Madness ; it was kinda strange.

OMG I LOVE CHAMPION BATTLE!! MY FAVORITE SONG EVER!!! I know I said this before, but one time isnā€™t enough

Ok I decided I should do amilestones list so yeah theres
50 songs
5 songs have a 5
5 pages of comments

feel free to tell me if theres some missing!

this post makes 50 replies

Oh. I like the RPG Themes. My favorite was Turned Ally. I also found your Megaman things quite stuffed ā€¦ stuffed with greatness.

Preview for Burst Man.

Its a bit hard to replicate the good olā€™ SNES sounds, but it sounds great so far, I got 1/3 of the song done so enjoy!

Always remember, Bomb,Bomber,Bombest! (reference)

Do you think you can do Twilight Princess Darknut Mini-boss? I would love to see that!
Also Every instrument in order is O_O

I could tryā€¦

im going to try uploading to youtube, again.

yay, i figured out the poll problem

Yeah! Free Bird!!! Cā€™mon Free Bird! ignites lighter

workin on galXY

the RSE Champion Battle sounds good so far!



they were all amazing to my knowledge

You need more Final Fantasy songs D:

im sorry for the lack of ff, i tend not to do them to much, though youre right, i should!

you voted! and sweet child is it! heres the prev ?id=24034