Dummy/Spider Dance Mashup: "Dummy Dance" by Toby Fox (Arr. by Skyewars)

(I’d recommend using the old player. Some parts sound off otherwise.)


Actually, it sounds best in V2 Remaster. Either way, the periods where no sound plays are extremely cringe-worthy and painful to listen to. I recommend at least adding some accompaniment to a lot of the sheets, and maybe extend some note lengths too. Also, that flute is painful to listen to regardless of the player, so either change those notes, or change the instrument.

This sounds pretty good, particularly for being made in V2. Dummy! is pretty much my favorite track on the OST.
Good Job M8

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1:12 - 1:28 does sound a bit off to me, but aside from that, color me impressed!

this is why i just love the v2 piano

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agreed. The flute is just a pain to use in general.

it might be the bassline that’s the problem in 1:12 - 1:28