EPIC SAX GUY by i♥music

I MADE THIS SO LIKE (rnote) (rnote) (rnote) (rnote) (rnote) (rnote) (singer2) (singer2) (singer2) (singer2) (singer2) (singer2) (singer2) (singer2) (singer2) (singer2) (singer2) :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: (ninja) (ninja) (ninja) (ninja) (ninja) (ninja) :?: :!: (rnote) (rnote) (rnote) (rnote) (rnote) (rnote) (rnote) (rnote) (rnote) (rnote) (singer2) (singer2) (singer2) (singer2) (singer2) (singer2)

I just want to let you know that people aren’t going to like your songs just because you tell them to, you need to actually make it worth liking. And also, spamming the description doesn’t make your song any better.


… Sounds… Different from what I remember…


There are times when comparison is necessary for reflection and improvement.

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Haha! I was about to post that’d I’d already done this lol.

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This doesn’t deserve a rating. Hell, this doesn’t even deserve to be listened to. Ever.

P.S. I think I found a new friend for Timothy.

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o cant match the song but i tried my best

nobody is gonna like it just cause you made it…

just sayin’