Fat Songs and Other Fun

Hello, my name is Fat with a capital F.

Old Songs

Not Maggot Brain - Post rock guitar solo.
1 2 3 4 1 2 5 1 - Polka power chords.
Polka from Hell - If the devil played the accordion.
Unnamed Song - Punk music.

New Songs

Untitled March - Standard march.
Untitled - Circus influenced rock.
Piece for Rock Band - Psychadelic rock music.
Piece for Strings and Organ - Neo-classical music.
Synthesizer Solo - Thirty seconds long.
Organ Solo (Zombies) - Zombie inducing organ.
Piece for Rock Band II - Intense circus influenced rock. *


Sentient - Dark electronic collaboration with Hypo.

Many of these songs are unfinished, and some even are going to stay that way. Feel free to build upon them.

A red asterisk indicates an alternate version of a previous song.

Yes, and everything has them. Are there any comments on any of my songs?

zombie organ solo was awesome!

Piece for Rock Band II

This is Untitled finished. I’m still kind of unsure of the ending, I like it but I don’t like it.


This is a melody that Hypo made in the Collaborations thread that I took. I’m pleased with it.