
I spent 2 weeks in Florida for my March break (hlisten) It was pretty fun, went to two baseball games, saw the space shuttle launch, and swam a whole lot lol.


BTW, did you had 2 weeks off for Spring Break, or did you have 1 off and miss a week of school?

I had one week of spring break, just took an extra week off of school.

lucky duck

I wish I could see the shuttle launch in real life. That would be so awesome.

remember that episode of George Lopez, when Max wants to see the shuttle launch (it’s a class trip), but George says no. While everybody who went to see the launch was at the launch, George and Max were watching it on TV. At the last second, they scrubbed the launch. That’ll happen to you if you try to see the launch. Only Kd is allowed to see the launch. End of story.

I have been to the Kennedy Space Center before. I was just there last summer and took a tour of the place. I still have the ticket in my wallet.

i have never been out of state except for our annual fishing in mexican waters.

Really? Every spring break, my mom takes my brother and I somewhere, usually out of state. I take quite a few vacations. I might go to Texas this summer.

I’d love to go fishing in Mexico! Or Australia or Alaska. I love to fish.
The only times I’ve been out of state is when I travel down to South Carolina to visit grandparents. The las time I was down there was 4 years ago. The last time I left my home state of NJ was 3 years ago, on a field trip in 5th grade. We went on a ferry in the Hudson River to “learn” about New York. Our boat had another trip, so we had to take a different boat back across the river. In order to do that, we had to walk through NY for 2mins and 17secs. And what a 2 minutes and 17 seconds they were…

Speaking of going out of state, on Sunday, I’m going to Indiana for an Easter dinner.

well we dont have that much money, ive been everywhere in my state though.